An overview of the organizations in the Chattanooga area where students complete their practicum.
View PDFAmerican Psychological Association is the essential psychologist website, with information and links to all manner of psychology- and psychiatry-related information. Also includes information on APA style.
Go to websiteSIOP is the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Its website contains resources for anyone interested in the application of psychological principles within the framework of the workplace.
Go to websiteSHRM, SIOP's sister society, is the Society for Human Resource Management, which allows for licensure and certification.
Go to websiteThe Journal of Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research (JIUR) is an academic journal published by the School of Education and Psychology. The journal is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, publishing undergraduate work from all departments and disciplines.
Go to websiteSEPA is the Southeastern Psychological Association. Its website contains information on the SEPA/Psi Chi Convention that takes place each year. Students have the opportunity to submit their research and present at the yearly convention.
Go to websiteThis resource will help you figure out whether (and how) to pursue a fellowship, grant, or scholarship.
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