Going Graduate
Preparing for Graduate School
Solidly prepare for graduate school with an undergraduate degree in psychology. Graduates
with a BA or BS in psychology pursue further study in a variety of fields including:
- Business
- Medicine
- Law
- Neuropsychology
- Clinical, educational, industrial/organizational or experimental psychology
- Clinical mental health and school counseling (MS emphases available at Southern)
- Marriage, couple and family counseling
(specialization available with Southern’s MS in clinical mental health counseling) - And more
How Do I Prepare?
- Achieve good grades in your psychology and general education courses
- Take as many psychology electives as possible
- Ace APA style
- Learn statistics and gain computing skills
- Obtain a competitive score on your graduate admission tests (usually the GRE), taken during the fall of your senior year
- Plan to spend 2 – 4 years to complete your advanced studies (MA, MS, PhD, PsyD)
- Give yourself options – research and apply to multiple schools for graduate study (learn techniques in Psychology Seminar)
Love Southern?
Consider enrolling in our fully accredited MS Counseling programs at Southern: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, or Dual emphases are available
and can be completed in 2-3 years.