
BA Psychology
The BA degree in psychology is recommended for students who desire to become psychologists and who are planning to gain admission into graduate programs in specific areas of psychology. In addition, this degree is also recommended for students who desire to combine psychology with another academic emphasis such as law, business, English, or history.

BS Psychology, Clinical Emphasis
This BS degree is recommended for students interested in becoming clinicians, practitioners, and therapists who wish to gain admission into graduate programs in counseling or clinical psychology. The program is specifically designed for students who are interested in pursuing the MS degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or School Counseling.

This BS degree will provide a more focused understanding of marriages and families and their relationship to other institutions, such as the religious, educational, governmental, and occupational institutions in our society. The concentration is recommended for students who are planning to gain admission into Master’s and Doctorate graduate programs in specific areas of psychology such as Clinical Mental Health, School Counseling, Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Family Studies, Early Childhood Development, and Public Administration.

This BS degree is recommended for students planning to gain admission into graduate programs in industrial or organizational psychology. The degree program is general enough to allow entrance into several other areas of psychology at the graduate level or to consider moving into the more applied aspects of psychology, such as human resource management, ergonomics, or business-related fields. No foreign language is required for this major. However, a foreign language is encouraged as an elective.

This BS degree is recommended for students planning to gain admission into graduate programs in specific areas of psychology such as health psychology, neuropsychology, and clinical psychology. This degree program may also be used for entry into related professions such as neuroscience, behavioral medicine, genetic counseling, and behavioral ecology. Students planning for careers in medicine may also find this degree to be desirable as a foundation. Psychobiology students are encouraged to receive advisement in both psychology and biology.
Admissions Instructions
A minimum grade of B in PSYC 122, General Psychology, is required for admission.
Submit your completed application and essay as directed by your instructor. Your adviser will also complete an Adviser Recommendation form that will be submitted along with your application and essay for committee review/approval.
It is your responsibility to check the university catalog for more information on admission requirements for each psychology program and keep yourself current regarding any changes which may occur in the program.
Admission to the undergraduate Psychology program of your choice does not guarantee admission to any Master’s program at Southern. Admission to Master’s programs must be sought and completed separately, if desired.
See your adviser for detailed assistance.