Conceptual Framework
The Mission – School of Education, Psychology, and Counseling
Our mission is to prepare all students to be effective Christian professionals who demonstrate a commitment to
the pursuit of truth, wholeness, and a life of service in a diverse society.
The Goal
Our mission is to prepare all students to be effective Christian professionals who demonstrate a commitment to
the pursuit of truth, wholeness, and a life of service in a diverse society.
The Goal
The goal of the undergraduate psychology programs is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that prepare them for further training and education in specialized fields of psychology. The learning outcomes emanating from this major goal are grouped into two major categories:
- Knowledge, skills, and dispositions consistent with the science and application of psychology, and
- Knowledge, skills, and dispositions consistent with both a Christian and a liberal arts education.
Core Objectives and Expected Proficiencies

As a caring person, the psychology pre-professional will evidence knowledge, skills, and dispositions
a) Demonstrating the ideals of compassion and justice, along with the belief that all individuals are created in the image of God and thus have unique, inherent value
b) Recognizing and respecting diversity, and demonstrating personal integrity
c) Considering in decision-making the influence and importance of environmental contexts; familial, social, academic, religious, and cultural
d)Advocating and emulating the example of Christ-like service
a) Demonstrating the ideals of compassion and justice, along with the belief that all individuals are created in the image of God and thus have unique, inherent value
b) Recognizing and respecting diversity, and demonstrating personal integrity
c) Considering in decision-making the influence and importance of environmental contexts; familial, social, academic, religious, and cultural
d)Advocating and emulating the example of Christ-like service

As an informed and passionate learner, the psychology pre-professional will evidence knowledge, skills, and dispositions
a) Demonstrating an awareness of nurturing environments and psychological services and programs
b) Demonstrating understanding of central concepts in the major subfields of psychology
c) Demonstrating understanding of how individuals develop within and across the lifespan
d) Demonstrating understanding of the foundations of psychopathology and mental health and wholeness
e) Using technology appropriately to enhance communication and individual learning
a) Demonstrating an awareness of nurturing environments and psychological services and programs
b) Demonstrating understanding of central concepts in the major subfields of psychology
c) Demonstrating understanding of how individuals develop within and across the lifespan
d) Demonstrating understanding of the foundations of psychopathology and mental health and wholeness
e) Using technology appropriately to enhance communication and individual learning

As a scientific thinker, the psychology pre-professional will evidence knowledge, skills, and dispositions
a) Demonstrating intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and strategic decision-making
b) Using theory, based on scientific research, to enhance practice
c) Using the scientific method to pose and answer real-world psychological questions
d) Becoming an informed and critical consumer of scientific research
a) Demonstrating intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and strategic decision-making
b) Using theory, based on scientific research, to enhance practice
c) Using the scientific method to pose and answer real-world psychological questions
d) Becoming an informed and critical consumer of scientific research

As a committed pre-professional, the psychology pre-professional will evidence knowledge, skills, and dispositions
a) Collaborating with peers and consulting with faculty and other professionals
b) Demonstrating understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities in the field of psychology
c) Participating in opportunities to achieve excellence and broaden psychological horizons
d) Recognizing the value of health and a commitment to a lifestyle of wellness
e) Demonstrating appropriate communication skills
a) Collaborating with peers and consulting with faculty and other professionals
b) Demonstrating understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities in the field of psychology
c) Participating in opportunities to achieve excellence and broaden psychological horizons
d) Recognizing the value of health and a commitment to a lifestyle of wellness
e) Demonstrating appropriate communication skills