The Modern Languages Department Mission
Departmental Mission
The Modern Languages Department at Southern Adventist University provides a Christian
learning environment that enhances the understanding of other cultures and promotes
an international dialogue by widening horizons, broadening perspectives, and deepening
self-understanding as a global family.

Departmental Goals
The ability to communicate in a variety of languages is essential in today's global community. Knowledge of other cultures must be a key part of the training of a well-educated individual who has gained a sense of world mission.
- By facilitating opportunities for students to gain a knowledge of other languages and giving them the means through which to experience other cultures, the Modern Languages Department at Southern Adventist University strives to support student understanding of the world as they overcome stereotypes and prejudices, taking each student out of their comfort zone, while enriching their lives with a new understanding of the way others speak and live. This goal fosters a spirit of appreciation and inclusiveness, facilitating more informed communication and interaction with people from other cultures who speak other languages, than one’s own.
- Through the department's language programs and courses, students discover living languages such as American Sign Language, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish as reflections of a diverse world.
The Modern Languages Department faculty are dedicated to serving their students. Faculty members offer guidance and support to students as they plan and pursue their college career path. They care about their students and take an active part in their lives and the planning of their careers.