Frequently Asked Questions
Our Mission
What Is a Disability
“Qualified” with respect to post-secondary education, means “a person who meets the academic and technical standards requisite to admission or participation in the education program or activity.
“Disability” a condition that significantly impacts your ability to think, eat, breathe, walk, work, see, speak, learn, etc.
- A disability is a condition that can substantially impact your ability to:
- breathe
- hear
- learn
- perform manual tasks
- see
- speak
- take care of yourself
- walk
- work
- It could include conditions like:
- attention deficit disorders (e.g., ADHD)
- autism spectrum disorder
- chronic medical conditions
- learning disabilities
- mental health disorders
- neurological disorders
- orthopedic conditions
- sensory conditions (hearing/vision)
- traumatic brain injury
Is there a separate admissions process for students with disabilities?
Should I send my disability documentation with my admission application?
Can I talk with someone to discuss my situation before applying to Southern?
Registering with DSS
Fill out and submit paperwork
Be sure to submit a copy of any information or documentation you currently have. Review our documentation guidelines to learn what information is helpful to share. If you have not been tested, you will be asked to provide us with your autobiography (see forms.) Students with a disability or suspected disability should schedule an appointment with DSS as soon as possible. Our priority is to meet with you and do what we can to help you succeed. There are limited instances wherein provisional accommodations may be provided to allow a student time to collect the needed documentation
Make an appointment with DSS
Make an appointment to schedule a meeting with the DSS Coordinator to discuss the impact your disability is having upon your academics, and meetings may be in person or virtual.
How Long Does The Process Take
If you will be requesting accommodations or services, the sooner you reach out to us, the quicker we can assist you. Certain accommodations can take a few weeks, and others rely on making advance arrangements with your professor. The sooner we start working with you on an accommodation plan, the more likely it will be in place by the time you need it.
If you are experiencing difficulties due to a disability or possible disability, please get in touch with our office to discuss options. If you want accommodations, please follow the steps to register with our office. Our goal is to understand how your disability impacts you so that an appropriate plan can be developed. We value hearing your experiences, history, and perspective. In addition, any form of documentation or information you can provide can help us work with you to develop an accommodation plan.
Examples of Helpful Documentation or Information
- Educational records, such as a high school accommodation plan (IEP, 504 plan, etc.)
- Neuro-psychological or educational evaluation
- Medical records
- Statement from a health, mental health, or other service providers
- Audiology report and/or Vision assessment
- Vocational assessment
- Proof of accommodations used on standardized exams (SAT, ACT, etc.)
You must register with DSS before receiving accommodations and may need supporting documentation from your healthcare provider.
DSS does not assist with typing homework assignments, personal assistance (e.g., laundry), or transportation to off-campus medical appointments.
I am unsure if I have a disability; what do I do?
Please provide us with your autobiography (see forms), as this helps us understand you a bit more and what may be taking place.
How do I transfer my accommodations from high school to University?
High school accommodation plans (IEP, 504, etc.) do not transfer. Please follow the steps to register with our office so we can begin working with you to develop an accommodation plan.
Can my parents fill out my documents and request accommodations on my behalf?
No, all paperwork needs to be completed by the student. Parents can help if assistance is required, but we communicate directly with students regarding requests.
What happens after I submit my information?
Give us a call to schedule an appointment to discuss your access needs.
What services will I receive?
Appropriate and reasonable accommodations are determined individually and based on each student's unique situation.
Do I need to re-register every semester?
You must request your LOAs to receive academic accommodations at the beginning of each new semester. Keep in mind that different classes may require different accommodations. If you are seeking new and/or other accommodations, please schedule an appointment to come in and discuss your needs.
Services And Accommodations
What accommodations are available?
We work with students to provide them with equitable access. No certain services or accommodations are automatically granted, as many factors go into this, including the types of courses a student is taking and the impact of their condition or disability.
Are services through DSS free?
DSS does not charge for accommodations. However, you are responsible for aids or assistance of a personal nature, such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, computers to be used at home, or attendant for services of a personal nature.
Does DSS provide tutoring?
No, but there are several tutoring resources available on campus.
Who will know about my disability if I register with DSS?
The accommodation process may require we disclose your accommodation needs (though not your disability) to specific faculty or staff members helping implement your accommodations. This is only done when needed. We recognize your right to determine who receives this information and your right to confidentiality. Your disability-related records are not stored in any central student database at the university, only within our office.
Do I need to tell my professor about my disability or diagnosis?
You are not obligated to disclose what your disability is to your professor or other course staff. If you receive academic accommodations, your professor will receive your LOA, which details your accommodations but does not state your disability. Students are encouraged to speak with their professors about their accommodations to ensure a mutual understanding of the requested accommodations.
Will my disability or accommodations appear on my transcript?
Your disability status or registration with our office will never appear on your University transcript or any other official document from the registrar’s office, nor will your accommodations.
Rights And Responsibilities of Students With Disabilities
Students with disabilities have the right to:
- Equal access to courses, programs, and services offered through the University.
- Reasonable accommodations and adjustments when needed to achieve equal access.
- Choose whether they want to use an approved accommodation.
- All other rights and privileges available to other students.
Students With Disabilities Have The Responsibility To:
- Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for courses.
- Self-identify as an individual with a disability when an accommodation is needed and seek information and assistance as necessary and in a timely fashion.
- Provide documentation (from an appropriate professional) on how the disability limits course participation.
- Follow University procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations.
- Inform DSS of any concerns over classroom accommodations, disparate or disparaging treatment related to disability, or access issues on campus as soon as the issue arises.
Rights And Responsibilities Of The University
The University has the right to:
- Identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge, requirements, and standards for courses and programs and evaluate students on this basis.
- Request and receive, through DSS, current documentation that supports requests for accommodations.
- Deny a request for accommodations if the documentation demonstrates that the request is not warranted or if the student has failed to provide appropriate documentation.
- Select among equally effective accommodations and adjustments.
- Refuse an unreasonable accommodation that imposes a fundamental alteration of a program.
The University has the responsibility to:
- Provide information to students with disabilities in accessible formats upon request.
- Ensure that courses are available in the most integrated and appropriate settings when viewed in their entirety.
- Evaluate students on their abilities and not their disabilities.
- Provide or arrange for reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in courses.
- Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communication except where permitted or required by law or when the student requests that such information be shared.
What should professors do if students with accommodations do not attend class regularly?
All students should be held to the same standard concerning class attendance. Please contact DSS if you have questions or concerns about appropriately assisting a student with an accommodation indicating that they may need to be unexpectedly absent due to disability.
What is the professor's responsibility when students have testing accommodations listed in their LOA?
Students may choose not to utilize accommodations even though they have been approved for them. If students choose to use their testing accommodations, students are responsible for making arrangements with professors and scheduling their tests with DSS. Students are also responsible for ensuring they have provided a proctoring form to their professor, which will accompany they exam.
What happens when professors refer a student to DSS for potential learning or attention difficulties?
Upon referral, DSS will reach out to the student. If the student comes in, DSS will discuss with them their needs and provide information about campus resources.
I am aware that the student has a disability because he/she presented me an LOA at the beginning of the semester, but I'm concerned about their behavior. How do I handle disruptive behavior?
Standards of conduct for students are outlined in the Student Handbook, and all students should be held to the same standards of conduct.