Disability Support Services (DSS) is the campus entity charged with balancing two ethical realities:
- The needs of faculty/staff as they protect the integrity of Southern's academic programs and
- The needs of students with disabilities assured equal access protected by state and national laws.
The mission of DSS includes partnering with faculty and staff to achieve that balance.
General Guidelines
- Faculty/staff need not be experts on disability laws but should feel free to contact DSS with questions or concerns about the impact of these laws on higher education.
- Faculty should include a statement in each course syllabus, providing information on where and how students with disabilities can access support services.
- Information about students with disabilities is confidential. Without the student's permission, it should never be available to anyone, including "readers" and other faculty.
- If a student self-identifies to you as having a disability, you are responsible for that information. Please do not assume students have gone to DSS.
- Do not provide accommodations for any student unless you have received a "Letter of Accommodation" (LOA) from DSS. (See FAQ to learn about risks.)
- Accommodating a disability means ensuring "equal access," not "success." The student must be "otherwise qualified" to perform "essential components" or meet the "technical standards" of a program.
- If a student has taken the proper steps, you will receive a "Letter of Accommodation" that lists the approved accommodation(s). You and the student negotiate how those accommodations are provided. Unless you have received an LOA, do not assume DSS has approved any accommodations.
Forms With Associated Policies and Procedures
Section 504 and Southern Adventist University
Faculty Orientation Handout