Frequently Asked Questions
Can I work or take other classes while participating in SALT?
Due to its intensity, SALT is not designed to be combined with other classes or work
responsibilities. If you can't dedicate a full semester to SALT but still want Bible
work and evangelism training, contact us and we'll help arrange a special plan so you can complete the Bible worker certification
through Southern.
Are any condensed courses being offered?
Designed for busy people looking for intense evangelism training in a short period
of time, Summer SALT pulls crucial excerpts from our full-semester program to cover the basics of personal
and public evangelism, the evangelism cycle, and tools for outreach in your local
church and community. Food and housing are available. Visit our Summer SALT page for details.
Are scholarships or financial assistance available?
Limited scholarships will be awarded to applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. Apply early to get your spot! For-credit SALT students are eligible for regular Southern scholarships and financial aid as well. If you think you may have financial difficulties, we encourage you to contact SALT to see what additional financial assistance we may be able to help you with.
Should I enroll for academic credit or choose the non-credit option?
It all depends. You will want to consider questions such as: What are my long-term
career goals? Do I plan to pursue a college degree in the future? Have I looked at
what financial aid I may be eligible for from Southern? More information about costs
and credit versus non-credit options can be had by contacting us via email or by phone.
Are food and housing provided?
For-credit SALT participants are considered full-time students of Southern Adventist
University and are eligible for regular student housing and meal plan options. With the exception of Summer SALT, non-credit participants are responsible
for their own lodging. Meal plans are available for both credit and non-credit participants. For a list of nearby housing
options available, please contact us.
What practical experience will I gain during SALT?
As a SALT participant you not only learn about evangelism in the classroom; you practice
it in the real world. SALT includes weekly Bible work outreach giving Bible studies
in the community, knocking on doors, building relationships, partnering with and inspiring
a local church, and assisting with a full-length evangelistic series. All of this
is done with great mentors working with you and your Bible work partner, giving the
ability to learn directly from your instructors outside of the classroom.
Do I need a vehicle to participate in SALT?
Students are responsible for providing and maintaining their own transportation for
outreach activities. If you don't have a vehicle, you may partner with someone who