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Literature Evangelism Program 

Ever considered trying something new? Or perhaps you've already spent a summer as a canvasser! Whichever your experience, LEAD is an opportunity for anyone who is interested in making money, making new friends, and growing in their relationship with Jesus, all while spreading the gospel! Experience the excitement of going door to door sharing the light of the gospel for all those that God has already been working on.

LEAD offers multiple shifts to fit your school schedule. Regardless of which shift works best, we offer training every Friday at 1:00 p.m. This training is not mandatory. LEAD also trains potential canvassing leaders.

For those who are new, we recommend the Friday training. Another option is to request a one-on-one training with LEAD Coordinator, Vlasta Hybl, for preparation! Whatever your experience, so long as you are willing, you will have a blast!

LEAD is a team work, and because there is money and training involved, it is treated as a job. Once you've applied, expect a phone call or email for a brief interview. The process is simple and very timely. Join us! Become part of this exciting program.

Employment Application

Become a part of this exciting program!