Online Campus FAQs
How do I access my online courses?
What are the requirements for applying to take dual enrollment classes?
Where is the Online Campus office located?
We’re along the backside of Southern’s campus, right between the radio station (WSMC) and Campus Safety.

Where can I find more information on Teacher Certification courses?
How do I register for classes?
An application must be filled out and approved before registration can begin. Southern Adventist University’s detailed course schedule is published online before the upcoming registration period. In some cases, advisor approval is required to register for classes. Students should contact their advisor prior to the registration period to schedule an advising appointment. Advisors assist in course selection and guide students in satisfying specific degree requirements as efficiently as possible.
Registration can be completed via the MyAccess portal. Assistance is available through the Records office at 423.236.2899.
What accreditation does Southern Adventist University hold?
Where can I find important academic dates?
What is the average class size?
The average ratio of students to professors is 13:1.
How many full-time faculty teach at Southern?
How do I get into my proctored exam? Proctorio is asking me for a password.
Proctorio will not ask you for a password if your computer set up passes the screening required. If Proctorio is asking you for a password, check the following:
- Is your video camera working?
- Is your microphone working?
- Do you have additional websites open?
- Do you have enough available RAM on your computer?
- Are there any additional programs open on my computer?