Syllabi for Teacher Certification Courses
- EDCI515T - Organization/Admin of Kindergarten Education
- EDCI517T - Educational Psychology
- EDCI518T - Health Principles for Educators
- EDCI519T - Health Methods
- EDCI522T - Elementary Bible Methods
- EDCI523T - Elementary Social Studies Methods
- EDCI525T - Elementary Language Arts Methods
- EDCI526T - Elementary Math Methods
- EDCI527T - Elementary Science Methods
- EDCI528T - Methods of Instruction for Kindergarten Classroom
- EDCI529T - Teaching Elementary Reading
- EDCI531T - Technology and the Educator
- EDCI535T - Philosophy of Christian Education
- EDCI538T - Secondary Reading & Writing
- EDCI539T - Secondary Religion Curriculum & Content Methods
- EDCI567T - Curriculum & Strategies for Children w/Learning Diffs
- EDCI571T - Educational Assessment
- EDUC566T - Trends & Issues in Education (4MAT)
- PSYC128T - Developmental Psychology
- RELB125T - Life & Teachings of Jesus
- RELT138T - Adventist Heritage
- RELT255T - Christian Beliefs
- RELT373T - Christian Ethics