Student Experiences
Sigorney Creighton, Lebanon - Minor in Arabic
Learning Arabic was among the most challenging, emotional, and rewarding experiences
of my life. When I arrived in Lebanon, I spent most of my time retraining my tongue
and throat and vigorously massaging my head as my brain scrambled to make sense of
sounds and sights.
The students living on campus literally became my family. We watched Arabic movies together, went shopping, cried, laughed, and otherwise became siblings. The classes were intimate and engaging, and our professors became our friends. We incorporated current events, history, and culture into our daily lessons and immersions. The administration, pastors at the Middle East and North Africa Union, and neighbors were all a part of our learning process. The church is doing amazing work in Lebanon, especially with health and nutrition, and the University is right in the middle of the action. Everyone was involved and seemed genuinely excited in seeing students learn and grow.
And learn and grow I did. I learned that I couldn’t begin to understand the culture or language with assumptions or fears clouding my mind. I learned that it was important to step out of my comfort zone - I could not dismiss everyone or prejudge their perceptions of me. I was challenged to be open-minded, to learn in new ways, to love people I may never see again. As I learned Arabic, I realized that I wasn’t just learning a language - I was being stitched into the fabric of an intricately connected family. I hope that with every year more students will have the courage to try, and the family will continue to grow.
Rhondi Forbes, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
My experience abroad was something that was planned at the last minute; therefore,
there was not much I was looking forward to except for learning a new language. I
had not done much research of the target country, but I knew it was a requirement
for my major and I wanted to learn Spanish.
Despite my lack of preparation and a few obstacles, I am happy I went to Argentina and got the opportunity to travel to various places. Although I am still not completely fluent in the language, I learned a lot about the culture, about myself, and about others. One of the experiences that stood out to me was the extra time I spent with the kids after my classes were done.
During the first trimester, I volunteered at the elementary school to get a deeper feel of the culture and also to immerse myself in the language. Assisting the teachers in the classroom helped a lot especially with little phrases that were not taught in the classrooms. The kids were very sweet and always wanted to talk. Going to the school after my classes was the highlight of my days, and I looked forward to it every day. It was something different, and it took me away from the other ACA students. I enjoyed learning the little things I learned on my own, and I am happy I took advantage of the opportunity.
Daniel Salazar, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
I found that the best way for me to get the most out of my time abroad was to immerse
myself in the culture and interact with students who knew much more Spanish than I
did in order to improve the language. Fortunately, both of my roommates knew English
well-enough in order help me when I got stuck on a word or phrase. There were other
friends as well who also helped me out, but the more I practiced Spanish, the better
I got and thus the less help I would need. During the summer, I would use what my
native friends had taught me in order to help other of my ACA friends who struggled
every now and then.
For me, the best ways to maximize my year abroad was through immersion and interaction with natives the majority of the time. These two techniques seemed to work best for me because the locals were willing to help me with smaller tasks, which would later work for more grand situations such as traveling or negotiation. It’s because of them that I feel better prepared to face every day conversation in a more fluid, proper, and effortless manner.
Emily Scriven, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
Sashenka Brauer, France - International Studies, French
One of the most important aspects of my study abroad experience in France was going
early and doing the summer program before the school year started. The summer program
was fun and I made some great friends. Also, I felt less nervous and knew what to
expect when the school year started.
I would advise anyone who is interested in going abroad to go early either for a summer language program or just to travel and start learning about the culture. It can be very difficult to jump right into an academic program in another country. Another reason to go early is to make friends who live there. My roommate (pictured) was from Denmark, and I ended up going to visit her in Copenhagen for my holidays.
Tiffani Caldwell, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
As is the case with many new experiences and adventures, I had many memorable experiences while studying abroad in Argentina. The number of “Kodak moments” I experienced while there were numerous, but several in particular stood out.
The first would be when I visited one of my roommates, a native Argentinian, at her home in Patagonia. The region in which she resided lived up to Patagonia’s famously windy weather conditions and rustic terrain. Yet, the landscape wasn’t the only fascinating aspect of my visit with my roommate. Seeing the various differences- and similarities- of an Argentinian family in comparison to my American one was incredibly fascinating. My roommate’s parents came home every afternoon to eat lunch with her, and then take a siesta. This practice is of course, unheard of in the United States, but so very valuable for the family unit in Argentina.
Another memorable experience was trying mate for the first time. At first, I was very unsure of what to do. It’s not a common practice in the United States, of course, to sip boiling water from the same metal straw with individuals you just met. However, I knew that in Argentinian culture this is considered as a sign of friendship, and it would’ve been offensive and impolite to decline. Quickly making the decision to partake, when it was my turn to sip the mate, I took a large gulp- and promptly burnt my tongue on the boiling water.
The last outstanding memory I have of that year was exploring Machu Picchu with my fellow study-abroad students. The history and culture of the Incans will never cease to amaze me, or take my breath away. Their history and their culture was cherished in a way that was rare to see demonstrated in Argentina, and sometimes even in our relatively new United States.
Without doubt, these are several experiences that not only stuck out to me then, but that I will carry with me for decades to come, playing a key role in my worldview and perception of life and the differing cultures around the globe.
Jeena Foronda, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
Everyone who has had the opportunity to travel abroad can list out the advantages and positive aspects they correlate with their travels. Some will point out the new language that was mastered or the different culture that was adopted. However, in my case, there is really only one aspect of my travels abroad that stands out to me.
Sure, I appreciated the wonderful places I visited and the new countries I was able to add to my passport, but for me, the friends I made during my year abroad will be what sticks with me the most. I will never forget the memories we all made together, and the relationships I created still stand strong five years later. These friends will be what keeps my year abroad fresh and alive in my mind.
Meredith Banks, Italy - International Studies, Italian
One of the most important aspects of my study abroad experience was the feeling of "capability" that I achieved. It might sound silly, but once the language clicked, I knew where the local restaurants were, and I had memorized the bus schedule; I felt like a different person. I felt grown up and that I had acquired the ability to handle challenges at a whole new level.
In my last semester at Villa Aurora, I took drama and had a part in the final performance. This was completely out of my comfort zone. I had to act out a part in front of lots of people, but I also had to do it in Italian. . . with my terrible American accent. We practiced, and I battled anxiety. After the show, I knew that I had just done something I never would have dreamed of, and in that moment I realized I could do almost anything I put my mind to accomplishing. I felt capable to attack challenges and succeed in the next phases of my life.
Natalie Dickerhoff, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
Amanda King, Austria - International Studies, German
I think one of the most important aspects in my study abroad experience was the many
different people I was able to meet and network with. I got a lot of new friends out
of my two years abroad. Not only that, but experiencing a culture different to the
ones I was surrounded by growing up and practiced was great.
Learning to get around places and depend on the host country language also opened a lot of new experiences as well, and once getting used to this aspect, I felt my experience much richer – almost as if I was a local myself (many people believed that I was once my German became good).
I was able to fully immerse myself in the culture by being very active on campus and in church. I led children’s Sabbath school, was a leader in their Little Lambs program, taught English in a local public school, and became very close friends with a lot of the locals. I think the important aspect in all of this was the fact that I chose to have an authentic experience, rather than always relying on the other North Americans who came to study abroad as well. They tended to stay in a large group and not be as active or social with the local people around us, and I saw this to be a waste of opportunity.
Vanessa Lezeau, Spain - International Studies, Spanish
One of the most important aspects of my study abroad experience was my exposure to
different cultures and languages. I learned Spanish to an advanced level, which is
great in and of itself. However, it was my exposures to other cultures via my travels
and friendships I made that increased my open-mindedness and acceptance of the diversity
in the world. Observing, experiencing, and learning about new cultures widened my
worldview and taught me to respect others’ ideas and perspectives despite the large
differences we had.
My travels helped me experience the atmosphere, food, language, and culture in different places around Europe. However, the friendships I developed with people from different countries that lived on the Sagunto campus helped me get a deeper understanding of the views different cultures have of certain topics, as well as the meanings behind cultural practices and linguistic phrases. While traveling was an excellent experience, I believe the personal relationships led to a deeper understanding of certain cultures.
My study abroad experience would not have been as beneficial or rewarding if I had not been able to visit new places and learn more about certain cultures in depth. The language skills learned are extremely valuable, but the knowledge I acquired was much broader than just linguistic skills.
Anna Tyman, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
Traveling and studying abroad for a year has many beneficial aspects, but for me the
one thing I enjoyed most about being abroad was the time we actually spent traveling.
I think that traveling was not only fun but one of the most important parts about
being abroad. We were able to experience not only Argentinian culture but also Peruvian
and Brazilian culture as well. Also since we did go to an Adventist school while in
Argentina, some of the customs and ways of life are not completely foreign to other
fellow Adventists. At least for me, I felt I could understand why some of the things
were done a certain way. But when we left the school and traveled to different cities,
we were just considered Americans, and we got to see how the native people really
lived and acted.
We got to experience different foods and drinks and different ways of travel that we may have not been accustomed to beforehand. Also, we were seen as tourists and got to experience the everyday exchanging of monies for food or shopping. For example, I was able to experience firsthand how businesses ran and how they lacked a lot of technology. In Argentina, for example, returning something with a receipt doesn’t exist and is frowned upon, just like asking for a “doggy bag” to take leftovers home with you. By not being able to travel, we would have lost the opportunity to see how the natives lived outside an Adventist community. That is the reason why I feel like traveling was the most important part of my experience from last year
Aurianna Anobile, Italy - International Studies, Italian

Hayley Baker, Italy - International Studies, Italian
There is nothing more exciting than being able to speak in another language. You never
realize how important communication is until you have to really work hard to do it.
My goal for my year abroad was to learn Italian. I knew that I wasn't going to be
fluent, because realistically becoming fluent takes two years. But, I just wanted
to get to the point of being able to speak and listen without having to think; just
letting it happen naturally. Near the end of my year abroad, I was walking downtown,
not wanting to leave at all. I was hearing people speak in Italian and didn't even
think about it being a "different language", it just felt normal to hear. I walked
by the Uffizzi and saw my favorite artist selling his beautiful paintings. Throughout
the year, we had had several talks that were always great, but unfortunately they
tended to be more one-sided.
This time, however, was different. He smiled at me, and I walked over to him, and we started talking. He asked me how I was doing, and I said I was ok, but that in two days I was leaving to go back home to the United States. I didn't even have to tell him I was sad or didn't want to leave. He just looked at me and told me, "Don't be sad signorina. You are so young and have lived such a beautiful year here! You have accomplished so much and have so much more to do in your life. Look back at this year and smile at all your beautiful memories." I thanked him for his kind words, and we talked for a little bit longer before I left. It wasn't until I was back on the bus headed to the Villa that I realized I had a full conversation without having to think! I had truly accomplished my goal! It was the most amazing feeling in the world.
Shannon Breakey, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
Studying abroad is an amazing experience that has the potential to positively affect the life of anyone who goes. I am a Health Science major, and I can personally say that studying in Argentina last year has had a huge impact on my life.
When I went to Argentina, I had never traveled much out of the country and only knew that I wanted to learn Spanish better so that I could use it later in my profession of Occupational Therapy to talk to my patients one-on-one.
After Argentina, I found that I was a stronger person who had a new appreciation for different cultures and their beliefs. I believe that this experience has helped me turn into a better person that now has better life and social skills that can be used in any work place.
Crystal Bueno, Italy - International Studies, Italian
Going abroad was the best decision of my life, and I cannot talk about it enough.
I had so many experiences that helped shape me and enable me to be more mature. I
think the most influential experiences I had were the trips I made by myself in Europe.
These solo traveling trips made me more confident and empowered.
I took a trip to Paris by myself while I was abroad, and that was the most valuable trip ever. I decided to go to France by myself for the weekend and do activities by myself. I took a night train to Paris and arrived in the morning. I took the subway all the way to my hotel, despite not knowing a word of French. I went out, took photos, visited museums and Versailles all by myself. I was nervous at first, but after my weekend in Paris, I have not been afraid to do things alone; a valuable skill I have learned.
This is such an important self-discovery that we do not have often. You will hear stories about people backpacking Alaska or running from one end of the coast to the other. As Americans, we have become used to doing everything in groups; yet, in Europe, I learned that I am able to do things on my own. Going abroad gives you that opportunity to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and really get to your core, to get to know yourself and who you are when everything that defined you back at home is taken away.
Shari Cherenfant, Italy - International Studies, Italian
Not everyone has the opportunity to study abroad. But if you are able to find yourself
so fortunate, there are definitely things to keep in mind. My experience at first
was something along the lines of cinematic—I’d never thought I would even have the
chance to go to another country, but simply getting on my flight brought me to a whole
new reality. Once I got on my flight to Florence, I saw the Alps from the air, and
even with all the turbulence, I’ve never felt so at peace. After a smooth landing
and my bags coming in to baggage claim, I was then greeted immediately at the biblioteca
aeroporto (airport library) by some representatives from my school. I got huge Italian
hugs and kisses from people who didn’t even know me. And it made me feel right at
home—speaking of which… Where I was living was a 14th century villa in the heart of
Florence. It’s on a hill over-looking the city, so the view from my window looks like
something from Under the Tuscan Sun. Everything I observed in a nutshell is:
- The people are very friendly. But usually you have to initiate the conversation in order to get the kind of reaction we take for granted in the U.S. (i.e smiling).
- Water is like Gold. If you happen to find some it’s like the baby Jesus kissed you.
- Air conditioning does not exist.
- Gelato is on every street corner.
- Obese people are like diamonds. Very rare.
- Transportation is very simple. Everything is very close, so your feet or the bus will suffice for any of your excursions.
- Hands for Italians are like a second mouth. Gesticulating is a sure way for you to tell the exact point they’re trying to get across to you.
- When all else fails, speak Spanish.
- The pasta and pizza are more delicious than anything you’ll ever taste.
- Gypsies are very crafty and creative characters. One day you’ll see a “helpless” old lady with a cup on the street begging; the next day you’ll see said lady walking around heavily ”pregnant” with a Prada bag.
- Do not buy anything around main attractions/ landmarks. It’s a ploy to con unsuspecting tourists. Most of the time, things are overpriced, and you can find the same deal a bit further into the city for cheap.
- For the ladies, be careful with smiling at just any man. Italian men are a bit more aggressive than American gentlemen, and they will catcall and whistle, even follow you around the city. It can be intimidating but a good “go away!” often does the trick.
Adaptation to another culture is very difficult, especially when you’re miles and miles from home. However, what helped me understand and feel comfortable in a surrounding that was unfamiliar to me was, first, remembering that things would not be at all like America; and the sooner I made that a reality in my mind the more comfortable I would be. All in all, my experience was something I’ll remember forever, and I will feel blessed for the opportunity to have traveled and learned another language. By the grace of God, I know I’ll be able to expound upon these skills and utilize them in the future.
Josef Ghosn, Italy - International Studies, Italian
Studying abroad has enriched my life in so many ways. First and foremost, I learned
a new language. I also learned how to stretch myself out of my comfort zone. Finally,
I learned how to adapt to any situation I find myself in.
Learning a new language is absolutely necessary in the world we live in. The world is becoming more of a global community, and it is essential we are able to communicate with the various people we come in contact with. Learning another language will immediately make you more attractive to any job you apply to and also looks fantastic on a graduate school resume.
The ability to stretch your comfort zone is something I really cherish from my time abroad. I did things that I never would've thought to do back in the states, but my life is richer because of them. Going abroad opens your eyes to new possibilities and things that never would've crossed your mind before.
Adaptation is something we as Americans sorely lack. Going abroad has turned me into something of a cultural chameleon. I'm able to blend in with any culture I find myself in because instead of acting like I know what's going on, I simply listen and observe. This skill has saved me from embarrassment plenty of times and has allowed me to make new friends, explore new places, and have plenty of exciting experiences that never would've happened if I didn't adapt to my situation. There you have it. Three great reasons to study abroad.
Now, what are you waiting for? Go!
Derek Haas, France - International Studies, French
Studying abroad is like nothing most people have ever done. It is not like a long
vacation. It is not like your high school's Europe tour. It is not like your church
mission trip. I get the feeling that every person that feels like they have done a
mini version of a study abroad year by just taking a vacation or mission trip or whatever.
It is nothing like that.
I can't explain in a short essay the significance of seeing famous paintings or hiking through the Swiss Alps. I can't explain how much you gain by being put into new situations while travelling through countries on a train.
At the end of the school year, I remember everyday climbing part of the way up Le Salève (the mountain behind the school in France). Each night, a group of us would go and look over the Geneva Valley. It was beautiful. We talked each night about our favorite parts of the year, we played music, we drank tea or we just sat in silence. The friendship between that group of people was the reason it was so great. Those were some of the greatest moments of my year because of the friendship.
Megan Holladay, Spain - International Studies, Spanish
Hey guys!
So, I've been thinking again about my study abroad experience. I know, I know, some of you are probably tired of hearing about it, but I really want to emphasize how valuable it is in my life and how valuable it can be to you.
A few years ago I went to Spain for a year to study Spanish. I thought I would just be going there to learn the Spanish language and possibly also flamenco dancing. When I left Spain, however, I had gained so much more than that. At the school I attended, there were students from all over the U.S., Europe, and even South America. I learned about aspects of their culture that before I would have thought silly had anyone told me. I learned how silly some people thought that our customs and cultures are. An example would be with Peanut Butter; I did not realize until going abroad how "American" peanut butter was. While peanuts are used in many dishes around the world, many people would never consider putting them of bread and making a sandwich. A friend I made who was from Africa really thought this concept was strange. There is a peanut sauce on a traditional dish from her country, but to her, putting it on a sandwich was just not doable. Though this may seem like a trivial difference, there are many more differences that could be much more confusing and could hinder your ability to effectively communicate with other cultures.
Well that's all for this letter. Until next time!!
Kara Holland, France International Studies, French

Kathryn Mattenson, Germany - International Studies, German

Jessica Melendez, Spain - International Studies, Spanish

Natalie Mevs, Italy - International Studies, Italian

Danielle Quailey, France - International Studies, French
I remember one particular day in France like it was yesterday. The other IFLE's and
I had just finished visiting the castle at Versailles and were taking a bus tour around
Paris. My new friend Carlo and I were looking at the sights when he leaned over and
said "You know, Paris is the perfect city for writing stories." I agreed, and as we
drove past the magnificent Seine River we made one up as we rode along. That was in
October 2011. Since then, I have learned to speak French a lot better, took and passed
the DELF exam, moved in with a French family and worked as an au pair, and returned
to the United States. But that one statement continues to resonate with me: "Paris
is the perfect city for writing stories."
I am a Mass Communications: Writing and Editing major, and when I went to France I had no idea how to use my new gift of the French language and my major together. Of course, for a writing major, learning another language is helpful because it opens the door to more variety in your writing career. I kept a journal while in France and documented as many memories as I possibly could. For a writer, any new adventure is an opportunity to share your memories with the world. If you study abroad, you can be the doorway that leads those who cannot study abroad into a world of mystery and opportunity. You become their eyes, their feet, their heart, because through your words and your experience they can be where you once were. Think about the apostle Paul, who traveled to different parts of the world and wrote about those travels. Those experiences made it into the Bible, and I can understand Damascus, Corinth, Thessalonica, and other places, although I have never been myself. So, if you are a writing major and you think to yourself: "Going abroad won't do anything for me", think again. You already have the gift of words, and with an experience like studying abroad to help bring those words to life through experiences, the writing possibilities are endless.
Oh, and the croissants are good, too.
Sarah Ruf, Argentina - International Studies, Spanish
Have you ever felt insignificant against something grandly magnificent?
Although we can fly to the moon and talk face-to-face to China from Costa Rica, as human beings we have to still respect nature’s awesome gifts. The Waterfalls at Iguazú don’t ask for respect, but demand it.
For our third official ACA trip, we traveled to the selva, the jungle, of the northern province of Misiones in January. It’s where Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil meet, a three-nation territory. The jungle creeps up to the edges of the red dirt roads, 100% humidity hanging in the air. We visited crumbling Jesuit ruins, where priests educated the Guaraní tribes (who came voluntarily to the missions) about the good Catholic way of life and protected them from slavery. Of course, the Guaranís ended up working anyway. Funny how that always seems to happen…
The trip centered around the Parque Nacional Iguazú, and visiting the spectacular Iguazú Falls inside. The park didn’t disappoint. All kinds of exotic animals popped up, offering perfect photo opportunities: anteaters, iguanas, spiders, monkeys, caimans, jungle birds, and capybaras. The walks were hot and sticky, but a smooth river raft ride provided a welcome break.
But everyone really comes for the falls. The river just drops off into over 275 waterfalls and is so big and wide, you have to fly with a helicopter to take a picture in its entirety. My group took two days to see all of it. The first day we visited The Devil’s throat, the most powerful waterfall. I oohed and awed with the rest of the group, but nothing could’ve prepared me for day two.
San Martin Falls is probably something like heaven. This is the screensaver shot, from where Avatar and Jurassic Park stole their ideas. Falling over a blanket of green water plants, the beautiful cascades are framed by palm trees and mist.
Then we saw the boats.
“Are we going to do that?” I asked our guide, pointing at the orange boats zooming through the gorge toward the waterfalls, soaking its passengers. “Yes, we will be doing the Grand Adventure today,” he replied. OH, YEAH! GRAND ADVENTURE TIME!
Everyone was stoked. The water was a bit lower that day, so we got up closer than usual, our little toy of a boat dunking us beneath the sprays of water. I felt so small underneath the waterfall, everyone screaming and laughing with sheer delight while getting pounded in the face with water. You want to see a happy human being? Dunk them under a world-class waterfall. We sped down the river for a bit afterwards, still on the natural high.
Now that is why I chose South America, I thought to myself.
I really enjoyed hanging out with all of the ACA students on this trip. There wasn’t much to do but swim in the campground pool after our jaunts into the national parks. After four months, we were forced to visit with each other and finally got to know our fellow classmates better. Right before the trip, one of the ACA students lost his father a few weeks ago, and it shocked everyone. We prayed together, cried together, started weekly prayer groups. I realized even though I don’t know every one of my classmates intimately, when one of us suffers a loss, we hurt too. I think that was a turning point. What was everyone going through? We actually cared now. That week I helped organize a week of prayer. We now knew how much we needed each other. This one trip will always have a special place in my heart, whether I’m remembering playing tag in the pool, deep conversations with friends, or the sheer glee of actually seeing, hearing, touching, tasting the most amazing waterfall in the world.
Charles Tamay, France - International Studies, French
When I was sophomore at Union College, I had no desire to continue with my then current
major, which was Biology, Pre-Dentistry. I was also feeling burnt-out with my college
experience. I felt like I needed to do something exciting and worth doing. I then
decided that I would go abroad for the year. I had three big goals that I wanted to
achieve, 1) I wanted to use the year to make up my mind as to what I wanted to do
with my career. 2) I wanted to learn French. 3) I wanted to travel a lot. At first,
it seemed like I would only accomplish one of the three goals that I had set, because
learning French was way harder than I had anticipated, and I kind of forgot about
what I wanted to change my major to because I was having a fun time in Europe.
During my spring break. I realized that I had accomplished all of the goals that I had set for myself. I had been constantly traveling for well over 3 weeks, and I was tired of it. I seemed to catch myself actually speaking French every time I would go to Geneva. Having commented to my friends that I wanted to change my major they all gave me some advice and they pointed me in the right direction. It had all worked out nicely and but I wasn't quite ready to go back home.
I would like to say that if any student is feeling like they are lost and they don't know what they want to major in or if they don't like what they are majoring in that they take a year off and that will help them decide what to do. That year abroad works wonders because you learn a new language and you gain a lot of different experiences that help you view the world in a different way. Those experiences that you gain could be helpful to you in the future when you're dealing with people of different backgrounds.
Jessica Trejos, Italy - International Studies, Italian
I can still remember the first day of arrival to Italy. After a whole day of traveling,
I was ready to lie down and sleep. I arrived in Italy around 11 pm, their time, which
was 5pm back home, so I was definitely jet lagged. The first impression I got when
I stepped off the plane was how lit the place was for it to be late at night. Then,
I met up with the people from Villa who were there waiting to pick me up, and I was
like "wow, they don't look Italian". They weren't in fact. It was a guy from Peru
and a guy from Nigeria, who were theology students at Villa.
While riding to the school, I saw a lot of similarities to Colombia, my home country, and it was relieving and nostalgic at the same time. I knew then that I would be okay, and I would enjoy my year in Italy, which I did. I also remember thinking how narrow and disorganized the streets were, but now that I'm back in the U.S., I do miss the rustics of the place. At the very end of the year, I took a stroll around the campus, and I realized how a strange place became a familiar place filled with memories. I came to understand that an experience is what you make it to be; it's your choice how you want your experience to be remembered as.
Eric Watts, Austria - International Studies, German
For me, traveling abroad through the ACA program was a dream come true. The dream
started small: I just wanted to learn German fluently. I also wanted to travel Europe,
but this was more of a side note for me, until I actually arrived. It was unbelievable,
the vast amount of cultural diversity, just miles away from border to border. If this
does not want to make you explore, nothing will.
The vast amounts of people with completely different mindsets you will meet, if you get out of your shell, will prove to be one of the best experiences of your life. This is all icing on the cake. Sometimes it will be rough, and then you will have to rely on God more. Some people have to experience hardships before they turn to God. That doesn't have to be you. Either way, Europe will be one of the best experiences in your life. I can promise you this.