The minor in history is for students who have an interest in history and wish to supplement
their major with a general knowledge of the people, events, and ideas that have shaped
our world.
Required Courses
HIST 154: U.S. History through the Civil War—3 hours
HIST 155: U.S. History since the Civil War—3 hours
HIST 174: World Societies to 1500—3 hours
HIST 175: World Societies Since 1500—3 hours
The additional 12 hours will be chosen from any other HIST courses; 6 hours of which must be upper division. Three hours of PLSC may be taken in lieu of an HIST course.
Total: 18 hours
International Relations
INDV 220 - International Relations and Global Politics—3 hours
INDV 360 - Political Economy—3 hours
PLSC 260 - Comparative Politics—3 hours
Select nine (9) hours from the following: (only three (3) hours may come from outside of INDV/GEOG/PLSC courses)
BUAD 493 - International Business Communications (W)—3 hours
FNCE 425 - International Finance—3 hours
GEOG 204 - World Geography (SERV-2)—3 hours
INDV 110 - Human Rights and Service (SERV-2)—3 hours
INDV 350 - Sustainability Agriculture (SERV-2)—3 hours
INDV 370 - Policies in Global Health (W)—3 hours
MGNT 364 - International Business and Economics—3 hours
MGNT 368 - Multicultural Management—3 hours
PLSC 254 - American National and State Government—3 hours
PLSC 379 - American Foreign Policy— 3 hours
HIST 345 - Middle Eastern Politics and History (IN-6) (W)—3 hours
PLSC 345 - Middle Eastern Politics and History (W)—3 hours
HIST 372 - Modern China—3 hours
PLSC 372 - Modern China—3 hours
HIST 388 - Contemporary Europe (IN-6) (W)—3 hours
PLSC 388 - Contemporary Europe (W)—3 hours
Legal Studies
1. Problem solving
2. Critical reading
3. Writing and editing
4. Oral communication
5. Research
6. Organization and management
7. Public service and promotion of justice
8. Relationship-building and collaboration
9. Background knowledge
10. Exposure to the law
Required Courses
BUAD 339 - Business Law 3 hours
PLSC 254 - American National and State Government—3 hours
PLSC 330 - Introduction to United States Constitutional Law—3 hours
PLSC 491 - Political Science Practicum—0-3 hours
ENGL 313 - Expository Writing (W)—3 hours
PLSC 450 - Legal Writing and Research—3 hours
Select three (3) hours from the following:
HIST 374 - History of England (IN-6) (W)—3 hours
PLSC 353 - From Colony to Nation (W)—3 hours
PLSC 357 - Modern America (W)—3 hours
PLSC 471 - Western Political Thought through the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
PLSC 472 - Western Political Thought since the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
Select three (3) hours from the following:
ACCT 456 - Federal Taxation—3 hours
BUAD 358 - Ethical, Social, and Legal Environment of Business (W)—3 hours
COMM 427 - Mass Media Law and Ethics—3 hours
HMNT 211 - Introduction to Philosophy—3 hours
INDV 110 - Human Rights and Service (SERV-2)—3 hours
INDV 220 - International Relations and Global Politics—3 hours
INDV 320 - Issues in Development and Ethics—2 hours
INDV 360 - Political Economy—3 hours
MATH 219 - Set Theory and Logic—3 hours
MGNT 344 - Human Resource Management—3 hours
PLSC 103 - Trial Advocacy Basics —1 hour
PLSC 260 - Comparative Politics—3 hours
PLSC 310 - Moot Court—1 hour
PLSC 320 - Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature—1 hour
Political Science
to state or federal government or to public advocacy work.
Required Courses
INDV 220 - International Relations and Global Politics—3 hours
PLSC 254 - American National and State Government—3 hours
PLSC 260 - Comparative Politics—3 hours
Select nine (9) hours from the following:
PLSC/INDV - Any PLSC OR INDV courses (6 hours must be UD) and only 3 hours can come from PLSC 491 9 hours
Western Philosophy and Culture
ELIT 445 - Ancient Classics (IN-10) (W)—3 hours
HMNT 205 - Arts and Ideas (IN-10)—3 hours
HMNT 211 - Introduction to Philosophy—3 hours
HIST 471 - Western Political Thought through the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
HIST 472 - Western Political Thought since the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
Select six (6) hours from the following:
ELIT 463 - Literary Criticism—3 hours
ELIT 417 - Intercultural Contexts: Literatures of Power, Place, and People (IN-10) (W)—3 hours
PLSC 254 - American National and State Government—3 hours
RELB 481 - David, Solomon, and the Archaeology of State Formation (R-3) (R-4) (W)—3 hours
RELT 467 - Christian Philosophy and Worldviews (R-4) (W)—3 hours
ARTH 335 - Medieval, Renaissance, and Late Baroque Art History (IN-10) (W)—3 hours
ARTH 325 - Ancient Through Early Christian Art History (IN-10) (W)—3 hours
HIST 471 - Western Political Thought through the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
PLSC 471 - Western Political Thought through the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
HIST 472 - Western Political Thought since the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
PLSC 472 - Western Political Thought since the Renaissance (W)—3 hours
PHYS 317 - Issues in Physical Science and Religion—3 hours
RELT 317 - Issues in Physical Science and Religion (R-4)—3 hours