Current MAT Students
Steps to Licensure
In addition to class credits, there are other requirements to complete on your path
to becoming a licensed educator. The steps below walk you through the process from
start to finish.
Foundations of Education
Assessments/Forms for Foundations of Education (EMAT 505)
Elementary Reading Methods
Content Methods for Secondary Education
Assessments/Forms for Content Methods for Secondary Education (EMAT 546)
Teacher Education Candidacy
Assessments for MAT Teacher Education Candidacy (EMAT 510)
Clinical Practice
Assessments/Forms for Clinical Practice (EMAT 610/620/622)
If requirements for student teaching have not been met by the dates posted above, student teaching will be automatically deferred to the following semester.
If requirements for student teaching have not been met by the dates posted above, student teaching will be automatically deferred to the following semester.