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Steps to Licensure

Steps to Licensure

In addition to class credits, there are other requirements to complete on your path to becoming a licensed educator. The steps below walk you through the process from start to finish.
Introduction to Teacher Education

Introduction to Teacher Education

Students pursuing education licensure must be admitted to Teacher Education. Transition 1, the pre-admission process, occurs while enrolled in EDUC 129/138, Introduction to/Foundations of Education course, usually in the freshman year. Students should see their advisers for assistance with the admission processes. 

Form to be submitted while enrolled in Introduction to Education (EDUC 129 or EDUC 138)

Assessments to be submitted while enrolled in Introduction to Education (EDUC 129 or EDUC 138)

IMPORTANT: An ACT score of 21 (or equivalent) is required prior to admission to teacher candidacy.  

Requirements for Pre-Admission (Transition 1):

  • Candidate Intake Form for Teacher Education (see above)
  • Cumulative college GPA of 2.75 or higher
  • Enhanced ACT composite score of 21 OR enrollment in the SAU ACT Preparation Course (see above). Note that to access the course, you will need to create a free Study.com account.  The link to do this appears directly under the "Log in" button.
    • rSAT combined score of 1080 or passing scores on all Praxis Core Tests (Math, Reading, and Writing) may be substituted
  • Tennessee Board of Investigation background check. Should this check indicate a criminal offense, established departmental protocol will be followed. 
  • "Criteria Met" descriptor on the Educator Disposition Assessment for professionalism.
  • Completion of EDUC 129/EDUC 138, Introduction to and Foundations of Education courses, with a minimum grade of C. 
  • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students must, with   or without reasonable accommodation (physically and mentally), be capable of performing the essential functions of the program. 
Admission to Teacher Candidacy

Admission to Teacher Candidacy

Successful completion of Admission to Teacher Candidacy is required for students to enroll in most upper division education courses. When 45 credit hours have been completed, the student will enroll in EDUC 201, Teacher Education Candidacy. 

EDUC 201 Teacher Education Candidacy, 0 hours

This pass-fail course assesses a student’s readiness to continue as a teacher education candidate and is required for Transition Two in the Teacher Education Program. Coursework includes meeting with the education program adviser to ensure requirements for Transition Two have been met. Although the student consults directly with the adviser, it is the Teacher Education Council that votes completion of this transition. To continue in the Teacher Education Program, a student must first receive a Pass in this course.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 129/138, ENGL 101, ENGL 102 each with a minimum score of C. Completion of 45 credit hours. FALL/WINTER

At the beginning of EDUC 201, the following forms are required: 
The Candidate Disposition Assessement will be utilized during the admission to candidacy process:

Requirements for Admission to Candidacy (Transition 2):

  • Completion of ENGL 101 and 102, each with a minimum grade of C
  • 2.72 GPA or higher (cumulative, major, and teacher education)
  • Major and teacher education courses passed with minimum grade of C
  • Enhanced ACT composite score of 21
    • rSAT combined score of 1080 or passing scores on all Praxis Core Tests (Math, Reading, and Writing) may be substituted
  • Recommendations from academic adviser and Vice President of Student Development
  • Personal Affirmation Statement
  • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students must, with or without reasonable accommodation (physically and mentally), be capable of performing the essential functions of the program. 
Field Experiences

Field Experiences

Complete this information form for each field experience placement (observation, teaching, or both) other than immersion and student teaching.

    Field Experience Placement Information Form
Admission to Student Teaching

Admission To Student Teaching

Requirements for Admission to Student Teaching (Transition 3):

  • Application forms submitted by due date (see above)
  • Completion of all major, cognate, and teacher education courses with minimum grade of C
  • Completion of relgion/health courses required for NAD certification with minimum grade of C-
  • 2.75 GPA or higher (culumative, major, and professional education)
  • Evidence of professional dispositions as defined by the Educator Disposition Assessment
  • Passing scores on required Praxis II exams (see deadlines below)
  • Evidence of CPR/First Aid certification
  • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Candidtes must, with or without reasonable accommodation (physically and mentally), be capable of performing the essentional functions of the program.


Southern Adventist University must follow guidelines imposed by local and state agencies. To enable student teaching placements, the following deadlines apply: 

  Fall Semester Winter Semester
 Praxis Test Taken  May 1 September 1

If requirements for student teaching have not been met by the dates posted above, student teaching will be automatically deferred to the following semester.

Student Teaching

Student Teaching

Student teaching assessment requirements and deadlines, with links to assessments:

View Student Teaching Handbook

Culmination of Teacher Education

Culmination of Teacher Education Program

Requirements for Program Completion and Licensure/Certification (Transition 4):

  • Successful completion of student teaching
  • Conferral of degree
  • Passing scores on relevant edTPA
  • Application for teaching licensure
    • NOTE:  If application for licensure is not completed within 1 year of program completion, additional coursework/testing may be required prior to recommendation for licensure.

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