Service-Learning Course
To offer your course for service-learning credit you will need to submit a proposal form for the Christian Service Committee to review.
- Proposal - Email this form to the Christian Service Program Director along with your syllabus and any documents explaining and assessing your reflection component(s) during the first semester prior to the school year that you plan to implement your course. This will allow enough time to make the necessary changes in the catalog.
Student-Initiated Project
Students have the option to propose a service-learning project of their own. If they
ask you to mentor them on a special project, the required forms are included below.
If you agree to mentor a project, you agree to assess the reflection component as
well. There needs to be some form of written reflection. If a project is coordinated
through the Christian Service office, the guidelines below will be used. Feel free
to adapt them for your use. It is the student's responsibility to submit all paperwork.
Students need to submit a hard copy of this proposal form to the Christian Service office at least two weeks before they begin their project.
Each student's proposal must be approved by the Christian Service Committee before
he or she begins the service project.
Journaling Guidelines
Students should keep an updated journal of their experiences throughout their service project.
Reflection Paper Guidelines
After the project is complete, the student will write an in-depth reflection of the span of their service experience.
Journaling and Reflection Paper Rubric
This is how the journal and reflection paper will be assessed. Feel free to change this according to your project.
Community Partner Evaluation Form
It is important to obtain feedback from the organizations we are serving so that we can improve on how we are meeting
their needs.