Advising Tips
Check degree audit to see if Christian Service is required for the student: If Community Service (Level 1) is required, recommend these ongoing community service opportunities:
School-Wide Service Days
- Freshmen Service Day
- MLK Service Day
Weekly Community Service Opportunities
- View service oppoortunities at southern.edu/serve
If Service-Learning (Level 2 or 3) is required, inform student about the options listed below:
Service-Learning Course (Level 2)
- Found under the “General Education Requirements” section of the course schedule
Student-Initiated Project or mission trip (Level 3)
- Student-Initiated Project or mission trip (Level 3)
Help student look through degree audit to identify future classes with projects that have service-learning potential.
- Service opportunities must be unpaid.
- Primary beneficiaries of service must be off-campus.
- Service must be tied to a past or current class learning objective.
Let student know that the Christian Service office is available for support.
- Let student know that the Christian Service office is available for support.