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Advising Tips

Check degree audit to see if Christian Service is required for the student: If Community Service (Level 1) is required, recommend these ongoing community service opportunities:

School-Wide Service Days
  1. Freshmen Service Day
  2. MLK Service Day
Weekly Community Service Opportunities
  1. View service oppoortunities at southern.edu/serve

If Service-Learning (Level 2 or 3) is required, inform student about the options listed below:

Service-Learning Course (Level 2)
  1. Found under the “General Education Requirements” section of the course schedule
Student-Initiated Project or mission trip (Level 3)
  1. Student-Initiated Project or mission trip (Level 3)
Help student look through degree audit to identify future classes with projects that have service-learning potential.
  1. Service opportunities must be unpaid.
  2. Primary beneficiaries of service must be off-campus.
  3. Service must be tied to a past or current class learning objective.
Let student know that the Christian Service office is available for support.
  1. Let student know that the Christian Service office is available for support.