Fall is drawing to a close here at Southern, but students are not quite feeling the holiday spirit just yet. There is one last hurdle to get through, and that is FINALS WEEK. The accumulation of a semester’s worth of knowledge will be tested this very week. Midterm and final exams are a part of college students’ lives as French fries and ketchup. See if you are ready for finals with our list of dos and don’ts below!

Gen ed classes fall into three categories: R. Spiritual Development, IN. Intellectual Development, and P. Physical Development. To make your life easier and more interesting, Southern designed certain classes to fulfill more than one gen ed requirement, meaning you learn multiple skill sets at the same time in addition to completing your requirements quicker...

You have probably heard a million and two tips about college. Some work for you; others do not. Here are five more...

Graduating senior and four-year honors student Michael gives us his take on the Southern Scholars honors program.

A common misconception people have of college is that you will only take classes in your major. While it is true for the greater part of your college career, you still have to complete a little thing called general education, or gen ed. According to Southern Adventist University’s 2017-2018 Catalog, “The general education program develops scholarship from a variety of perspectives to prepare students for leadership in their churches, families, and in society."

Job Hunt Tips
Every semester, Southern hosts Meet the Firms, a job fair for any students looking
for internships or future employment. Meet the Firms is an important event to attend,
even if graduation is still far away, because it provides the opportunity to make
important connections and become familiar with local companies. At this year’s job
fair, several recruiters from different industries shared their simple recommendations
for a successful job hunt and interview.

Professor Marcus Sheffield is a renowned English professor here at Southern. The love students have for him translates to the fact that he almost always has a long waiting list of students hoping to get into his classes. Professor Sheffield teaches Survey of American Literature, C.S. Lewis, and Critical Thinking in Academic...

Professor Annette Heck, DSW, LCSW graduated with her Bachelor of Science from Southern's School of Social Work back in 2001. Since then, Professor Heck went on to get her master's at Andrews University and worked as an individual and family therapist and counselor. In 2010, she moved back to Collegedale... this time as a professor.

Professor Lisa Kuhlman graduated from with a BBA in international business from the acclaimed George Washington University...

Sylvia Mayer grew up a few minutes away from Southern. Her mom taught nursing and her dad taught math and science at Collegedale...

Professor Judy Sloan was born and raised in Washington state before she went to the center of the United States, Nebraska, for her undergraduate in physical education and history. She then worked in several Adventist Academies before getting her master's from Central Washington University and her doctorate from the University of Nebraska...

Professor Stephen Ruf entered the Southern scene after 12 years working as an award-winning broadcast journalist in radio and TV. He just finished his semester-long sabbatical, where he used that time to report on the 2016 Louisiana floodings. He teaches Broadcast News Writing, TV News Reporting and Performance, and Introduction to...

Professor Barry Tryon has been a professor of applied theology (practical part of theological training) at Southern’s School of Religion for the past seven years. He is a graduate of the department back when Southern was still Southern Missionary College. While at SMC, he reunited with a high school friend and married her. He then went to Andrews to master's and doctorate. He currently teaches Life and Teachings of Jesus, Intro to Ministry, Intro to Christian Leadership, Interpersonal Ministry, and Christian Spirituality.