Employees—There is a $20 co-pay each time an employee or dependent is seen at the UHC. The co-pay is accepted in the form of cash, credit card, or check or can be deducted from payroll.
Students—All charges not covered by the studen's health fee will be charged to the student's account. The UHC will submit claims for students using Southern's student insurance (United Healthcare). The UHC is unable to process claims for students with private insurance, so students should plan to file their own insurance. A walk-out statement summarizing fees for services provided is available upon request.
Medical Records
Medical information is strictly confidential and may be released only with the written permission of the patient (or parent or guardian if the patient is under 18). The medical record is not accessible to anyone other than the professional staff of the UHC.
The UHC retains medical records for 10 years after last attending the university. To request copies of medical and or immunization records, please submit a Medical Release Authorization found on the forms page. Submit to uhc@southern.eduor fax 423.236.1713.