The Teaching Materials Center (TMC) is open to all teachers, homeschooling parents,
and other adults from the community, in addition to Southern Adventist University
students, faculty, and staff.
Ellison dies are available for use without charge. Construction paper, card stock, copy paper,
envelopes, file folders, lamination and copying on the printers are available for
a minimal price, if you need them. Please be prepared to pay cash, unless you are
a Southern student charging more than .50. If you are purchasing items for a school
or church, you will need to file with us a copy of your tax exempt certificate.
If you would like to borrow TMC books or other materials, you can apply for a Community Membership. Membership is free. You will need to fill out an Application for Community Membership here at the TMC.
Check-out is limited to 10 items. We reserve the right to call in items before their due date if they are urgently needed by a university faculty member or student.
Books should be returned promptly. Overdue materials are fined at 10 cents per item for each day past due. Patrons owing a fine may not check out more books until the fine is paid.