Students with Documented Disabilities
Students who have previously received accommodations through the DSS office, and wish to request the same accommodations for the following semester should email DSS requesting their accommodations.
1. Providing documentation, less than five (5) years old, that clearly illustrates the request for accommodation directly related to the disability.
2. Filling out the DSS application forms to initiate services.
3. The DSS Coordinator reviewing the documentation submitted.
Is an IEP (Individualized Education Program) or 504 Plan sufficient to request accommodations?
In college, using an IEP or 504 Plan for accommodations might not be enough. These
plans share past information about how a student coped with school challenges, but
they don't always capture current abilities or limitations in a college setting. As
students grow and face new expectations, their symptoms and impacts can change.
For effective support in college, it's crucial to provide documentation that assesses
a student's current needs and limitations within the context of their role in the
college setting. This allows accommodations to be tailored to a student requires.
Letters of Accommodation (LOAs)
- Letters of Accommodation (LOAs) are sent to both students and their professors at the same time.
- It is the student's job to discuss with each of their professors as to how these approved accommodations will work in their class.
While students may request accommodations at any time, they are not retro-active and it may take up to two (2) weeks for a request for accommodations to be processed
Section 504 and Southern Adventist University
Policies and Procedures
Other Resources
- Know your rights and responsibilities- Office of Civil Rights
- Association on Higher Education and Disability
- Recorded books Learning Ally
- E-texts from Bookshare (free membership)
- Free downloadable text-to-speech software Natural Reader
- Free downloadable text-to-speech software for Windows: NVDA
- Vocational Rehabilitation offices—state liaisons http://rsa.ed.gov/people.cfm
- SmartPen by Livescribe—makes audio recordings while writing notes Livescribe
- Student Success Disability Page Student Success
- Brochure for Parents (and other interested parties) Section 504
- Learning Disabilities in School, College, and Work LD.org