Reserve a Room
Reserve a Study Room
The Study Rooms are for CURRENT Southern Adventist University Students
Study Room Availability
Sunday: 10am - 11:00pm
Monday through Thursday: 8am - 11pm
Friday: 8 am - 4pm
Saturday: 5pm - 11pm*
Saturday evening times are subject to change
if closing is 9 pm.
Important Note: All room reservations should be for current Southern Adventist University students.
Reservation hours may be limited during holiday breaks and Summer Sessions.
Our main objective is to be a gathering place for the current students of Southern
Adventist University.
Seating Capacity
First Floor
- Meeting Room 1104: Seating Capacity = 8
- Club Room 1116: Seating Capacity = 8
Second Floor
- SON Room 2210: Seating Capacity = 27
- The GRID 2500: Seating Capacity = 75 with table 120 without tables
Third Floor
- Jack Blanco Chapel 3610*: Seating Capacity = 21
- Testing Room 3210A: Seating Capacity = 45
- Study Room 3703: Seating Capacity = 6
- Study Room 3705: Seating Capacity = 6
- Study Room 3707: Seating Capacity = 6
*The Jack Blanco Chapel will be open for students to use at a come and go basis. If
you would like to reserve the space for Life Groups or other study groups please email
Joey Tolbert- jtolbert@southern.edu
There are many beautiful spaces on campus that can be used for departmental meetings/events,
alumni events, or external groups (not affiliated with Southern).
We hope to keep The Bietz Center for all current Southern Adventist University Students.
The GRID Multi-Purpose Room
Room request: Please contact Joey Tolbert-Facilities Manager jtolbert@southern.edu
Room Capacity: 75-120 (depending on table/chair set-up)
Catering: Physical address for the building- 4854 Colcord Drive Collegedale, TN 37315
Entrance: The entrance to the GRID is on the 2nd floor of the Bietz Center and is just steps from the Bietz Center parking lot (Colcord Drive).