![Hero Image](/administration/residencelife/img/residence-hall/facilities-thatcher/collage/Thatcher_BUilding.jpg)
Thatcher Hall and Thatcher South are the primary residence halls for women attending
Southern Adventist University. Other on-campus housing options for women include Southern
Village and a women's wing in Talge Hall.
Thatcher Hall Chapel is where all female residents worship together on Monday through
Wednesday nights.
The Thatcher Cafe is located in the basement, with a stove, microwave, refrigerator/freezer,
vending machines, and an ice machine. This is also a great space for studying and
socializing. A kitchenette with sink, stove, microwave, washer, and dryer is located
on each hall. Ironing boards are also available.
Rooms are meant for double occupancy and have two desks and adequate storage space
for two residents. Additional storage is available in the basement. Each room has
a sink area. Bathrooms are shared between two rooms in a suite arrangement. Two twin
beds are provided for each room and may be bunked or stand alone.
Thatcher Hall rents rooms at double occupancy, so plan ahead for a roommate and
pack accordingly.
If a resident wishes to room alone, she will be charged rent and a half.
If a resident wishes to room alone, she will be charged rent and a half.
What's provided:
- 2 rearrangeable beds with mattresses
- 2 desks
- 2 sets of drawers
- 2 closets with overhead storage
- Book storage
- Heat /air conditioner
- Venetian blinds for window (draperies/curtains are not needed)
- Sink
What to bring:
- Lamps (no halogen lamps allowed)
- Electric iron (automatic shut-off)
- Bedding (sheets, comforter, mattress pad, pillow, etc.)
- Towels
- Laundry marking pen
- Wastebasket and liner bags
- Cleaning supplies
- Facial tissue and paper towels (toilet tissue is provided)
- Medicines
Optional items to bring:
- Computer
- Microwave
- Small refrigerator (4.5 cu. ft. max. allowed)
- Ironing board (available in kitchenettes)
- Vacuum (available from the resident assistant and at the front desk of the residence halls)
- Stereo with headphones
- Bicycle (locked storage available)
- Extension cords (Must be three-prong, UL approved, and preferably with a circuit breaker)
- Multi-outlet bar
Items to leave at home:
- Firearms/weapons
- Pets (may have small aquarium with fish but no rodents or reptiles)
- Fireworks
- Dungeons and Dragons (and similar materials)
- Inappropriate posters/decorations
- Water pistols
- Dart boards
- Beds (including waterbeds)
- Jewelry
- TV and/or VCR