Project Timeline
The “Living in Balance: Physical Activity” QEP is designed for a four-year curriculum and is scheduled for implementation according to the timeline below.
Fall 2011
- Add new PEAC fitness-based courses to catalog (2012-2013)
- Present QEP to University Senate, University Assembly, and Student Senate
- Create Standardized Assignments and Grading Criteria/Rubics
Winter 2012
- Appoint QEP Director
- Appoint QEP Implementation Taskforce
- Promote QEP Plan to Students and Employees in Preparation for Onsite Visit in April
- Propose Curriculum Changes to the General Education Committee
- Make Catalog Changes for HLNT 135-Nutrition for Life Exxpanded
- Pilot Mid-Semester Rockport Walk in PEAC 225 Courses
- Design the Computer-Based Physical Activity Assignments
Summer 2012
- Submit Recommendation Response to SACS
- Create Promotional Materials for Fall 2012 Activity Courses and Mid-Semester Fitness Week
- Complete Paperwork to Waive Physical Activity Course Tuition When it is the Student's 17th Hour
- Update fall 2012 Syllabi to Match Curricular Changes
- Begin Website Development
- Purchase Equipment for New Fall 2012 Physical Activity Courses
Fall 2012
- Submit Request to Strategic Planning for Additional FTE Position in PEHW
- Make Catalog Changes for NRNT 125-Nutrition
- Begin Implementation of Curricular Changes
- Pilot PEAC 125-Fitness for College
- Pilot the Mid-Semester Campus-Wide Rockport Walk During a One-Day Event
- Add Two New Fitness-Based Activity Courses
Winter 2013
- Obtain General Education Committee Approval for Increasing Activity Course Requirement
- Adjust Degree-Audit Software to Allow only One Activity Course per Year for General Education Credit and make PEAC 125 a Prerequisite for other Activity Courses.
- Evaluate the Pilot Mid-Semester Campus-Wide RockPort Walk
- Assess Results of Fall Curricular Changes
- Make Adjustments to Winter Curriculum as Needed
Summer 2013
- Evaluate Data from Pilot Course and Activities
- Make Curricular and Activity Changes in Preparation for First-Year Implementation
- Design PEAC 425-Fit for Hire
Fall 2013
- General Education Changes become Effective for First-Year Cohort
- Full Implementation of PEAC 125-Fitness for College
- Full Implementation of New Fitness-Based Activity Courses for Fall Semester
- Collect Data from Fall Semester
Winter 2014
- Create Designated area in HWC for Fitness Assessments
- Full Implementation of New Fitness-Based Activity Courses for Winter Semester
- Collect Data from WInter Semester
Summer 2014
- Evaluate Data from First-Year Implementation
- Make Curricular adn Activity Changes in Preparation for Second-Year Implementation
Fall 2014
- Implement Changes Needed for Second Year
- Collect Data from Fall Semester
Winter 2015
- Pilot PEAC 425-Fit for Hire
- Collect Data from Winter Semester
Summer 2015
- Evaluate Data from Second-Year Implementation
- Make Curricular and Activity Changes in Preparation for Third-Year Implementation
Fall 2015
- Implement Changes Needed for Third Year
- Collect Data from Fall Semester
Winter 2016
Collect Data from Winter Semester
Summer 2016
- Evaluate Data from Third-Year Implementation
- Begin Writing Fifth-Year Interim Report
- Make Curricular and Activity Changes in Preparation for Fourth-Year Implemementation
Fall 2016
- Implement Changes Needed for Fourth Year
- Continue Writing Fifth-Year Interim Report
- Collect Data from Fall Semester
Winter 2017
- Implement Changes as Needed
- Submit Fifth-Year Interim Report
- Collect Data from Winter Semester