- Aliya Trott
- Ashlyn Williams
- Bri Zepeda
- Brianna Trott
- Callie Reich
- Cortney Lowman
- Emily Delong
- Haley Fulton
- Jaycie States
- Jocelyn Kim
- Maddie Schmidt
- Megan Shull
- Rebecca O'Dell
- Samantha Renfro
- Sarah Andrews
- Adriel Maldonado
- Aiden Collins
- Alex Klischies
- Andrew DeFluiter
- Andrew Harris
- Austin Hardesty
- Brady Griffith
- Brayden Standish
- Bryson Beckworth
- Caleb Cunningham
- Connor Cheney
- Connor Collins
- Danny Krause
- Ethan Lopez
- Falon Potter
- Gabe Reed
- Hector Beltran
- Isaiah Lawson
- Jackson Roddy
- Joel Richards
- John Mark Armstrong
- Josh Roberts
- Kedrick Larson
- Levi Hallam
- Lincoln Shoemaker
- Logan Jach
- Matthew Hallam
- Patrick King
- Peyton Meadows
- Ryan Kelch
- Sam Schmidt
- Santiago Avila
- Seth Mitchell
- Tristan Hulsey
- Tyler Ritterskamp
- Zander Salles
Welcome to the team! We need you to download Group Me since we will be sharing a lot
of information this year through that. We also have an Instagram account, @sau_gymmasters
that we want you to follow as well.
Returning team members, please bring your warmups from last year to pratice on Monday
so we can get a jump on sizes for new team members.
Congratulations, and we look forward to seeing all of you on Monday!