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Lead a LifeGroup

Belong. Behold. Become.

Hear how LifeGroups led these students to experience belonging and the opportunity to beheld God in life-changing ways.

What type of LifeGroup is God calling you to lead?

Personalize your LifeGroup according to your own spiritual journey and passions.

LifeGroups which pursue spiritual transformation through activities such as worship, service, mountain biking, hiking, and more.

LifeGroups which pursue spiritual transformation through activities such as reading a book of the Bible or discussing prophecy. This also describes LifeGroups led by students in SALT (Soul-winning And Leadership Training).

LifeGroups which utilize Christian books such as Captivating, Not a Fan, material by Beth Moore, etc. to pursue spiritual transformation through reading and discussion.

LifeGroups which guide their members to grow in their capacity to help their friends, family, co-workers, or acquaintances move toward and with Jesus.

LifeGroups which offer support to individuals navigating concerns such as the pain of loosing a loved one, stress and anxiety, mental health, addictions (e.g. pornography), or exploring identity.

LifeGroups which pursue spiritual transformation through small group discussion on a particular topic or a variety of topics either pre-selected by the leader or suggested by group members.

Become a Leader

Step into your God-calling and we'll walk alongside you each step of the way.

Resources for Leaders

Girls praying together.Transformational LifeGroups

Learn how to lead a spiritually-transformative LifeGroup by leading out of your spiritual overflow.

The Power of Overflow
Meeting RoomMeeting Spaces

Meeting consistently in the same location each week ensures your LifeGroup will experience greater success. Choose from a list of available meetings spaces on campus and make reservations for recurring weekly meetings.

More Info
Person counting cashFinances & Reimbursements

LifeGroup leaders have at least $100 to spend on their LifeGroup per semester. Leaders may make purchases for their LifeGroups in any of three simple ways.

Learn More
Person holding a lamp.Serve with your LifeGroup

LifeGroup leaders are encouraged to serve with their LifeGroup. To see available service opportunities, visit southern.edu/serve.

Service opportunities

How to take LifeGroup Attendance

Manage group members, create recurring events, and take attendance on our convenient app in order for your group members to obtain enrichment credits. Attendance must be entered within one hour of your scheduled event end time. Late attendance is not accepted.