Portfolio Discussion
Professional Portfolio Workshop - 2020
August 2023
- Dr. Charity Johansson
- Mentoring Relationships (Must be logged into Southern's website to view)
- Classroom Relationships (Must be logged into Southern's website to view)
August 2022
- Dr. Marissa Leslie
- Employee In-Service (Must be logged into Southern's website to view)
- Faculty In-Service (Must be logged into Southern's website to view)
August 2020 and 2021
August 2021 - Nancy Pearsey - Christian Worldview (no recording)
August 2019
- Dr. Carol Tasker - Click here to view recording (must be logged in to Southern's website to view)
August 2018
Click here to watch the video.
PowerPoint in PDF:
August 2016
August 2015
August 2014
August 2013
August 2012
August 2011
Retention Strategies and The Role of Advising in Retention
- Ken Caviness (Worship): http://merlin.southern.edu/1/watch/8.aspx
- Key Retention Strategies: http://merlin.southern.edu/1/watch/9.aspx
- The Role of Advising in Retention (Part 1 – 6 min): http://merlin.southern.edu/1/watch/10.aspx
- The Role of Advising in Retention (Part 2 – 56 min): http://merlin.southern.edu/1/watch/11.aspx
August 2010
Critical Thinking Presentation
Dr. Daniel Fasko
May 2010
Ed Zinke
Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning
- A Comparison of Humanistic and Biblical Definitions
- Approach to Theology
- Ellen G. White: Role of the Bible
- Ellen G. White: PowerPoint Presentation
- Ellen G. White: Role of the Bible in the Church
- Epistomological Perspective
- History of Method
- The Authority of the Bible
- The Certainty of the Second Coming
Articles to read before the Spring Break Biblical Foundations Conference:
Bremmelen, P.M. (2000). Revelation and Inspiration. In the Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology.
(pp. 22-57). Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association.
Davidson, R. M. (1990). The Authority of Scripture: a Personal Pilgrimage. Journal of the Adventist
Theological Society, 1/1, 39-56.
Davidson, R. M. (1993). Interpreting Scripture: An Hermeneutical “Decalogue.” Journal of the Adventist
Theological Society, 4/2, 95-114.
Davidson, R.M. (2000). Biblical Interpretation. In the Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology.
(pp. 58-104). Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association.
Mueller, E. (Spring 2004). Creation in the New Testament. Journal of the Adventist Theological Society,
15/1, 47-62.
Zinke, E. E. (Spring 2004). Faith-Science Issues: An Epistemological Perspective. Journal of the Adventist
Theological Society, 15/1, 63-90.
Fall 2009
- Dr. Debby White: Helping Students Find Their Way, the mentoring role of faculty
- Dr. Robert Young: Student Success Factors
- Diana McGregor Fulkerson: Map-Works Session One
- Diana McGregor Fulkerson: Map-Works Session Two
November 2008
Fall 2008
- Dr. Gene Brewer: Brain Compatible Teaching Strategies
- Dr. John Wesley Taylor: Nurturing Faith: Teacher-Tested Strategies for Integrating Faith and Learning