BA Missions
Missions Program Objectives:
- To provide a biblical and theological foundation, as well as practical experience, in the area of missions.
- To provide training in missions to students who are involved in pre-professional programs.
- To prepare graduates to serve the church more effectively.
Admission to the Missions Program
- The Missions major is a liberal arts major for students interested in preparing for medicine, law, development, education, and other graduate studies.
- It aims to prepare students to serve as cross-cultural missionaries, as well as to engage in missional living in their local communities. It also helps prepare students for graduate studies in missiology, anthropology, and intercultural studies.
- It provides the fundamentals of both biblical and theological studies and practical experience. The four-year degree candidate may apply the required 12 hours of general education courses in religion toward the hours for the major.
Required Courses
- RELB 125 Life & Teachings of Jesus
- RELB 245 Old Testament Studies I OR RELB 246 Old Testament Studies II
- RELB 425 Studies in Daniel (writing course)
- RELB 426 Studies in Revelation
- RELB 435 New Testament Studies I OR RELB 436 New Testament Studies II
- RELP 264 Christian Witnessing
- RELP 291 Practicum (home missions)*
- RELP 391 Practicum (overseas missions)** OR NOND 226 Christ Service (SERV-2)
- RELP 340 World Missions
- RELP 405 Evangelistic Preaching
- RELP 468 Health Evangelism
- RELT 255 Christian Beliefs
- RELT 458 World Religions (writing class)
- NOND 099 Student Missions Orientation
Required Cognates
- COMM 330 Intercultural Communication (writing course)***
- SOCI 150 Cultural Anthropology
- Intermediate Foreign Language
*The candidate for this degree must complete this practicum by taking a one-hour missions practicum in the United States.
**The candidate for this degree must complete this practicum by conducting an evangelistic series outside North America under the supervision of the Evangelistic Resource Center.
***These courses require admission to the Student Missions program and successful completion of one academic year of student mission experience.