Engineering and Physics Resources
Engineering Resources
The National Society of Professional Engineers offers a free student membership, which comes with many information resources of use to engineering students.
Just as there are countless career opportunities for engineers, there are numerous concentrations that prepare those engineers for the work they will do upon graduation. Here are some of the most common concentrations chosen by engineers during their course of study.
Discover Engineering is a great website for learning what engineering is all about. It gives an overview of different fields of engineering, video activities, recent happenings in engineering, and more.
This site provides several useful tools for engineers. Includes job listings, conversion calculators, videos, puzzles, blogs, and free software downloads.
The Smithsonian NASM site highlights new findings in astronomy. There are online exhibits to visit, overviews of the museum's collections, an archive of research in astronomy, and many other pages of interest.
Interactive cube and hypercube anaglyphs. You can rotate them around any of several axes. They are very useful for thinking about the fourth dimension. The site has links to many three-dimensional images by the same author and by others.
The Franklin Institute is known to have published the second oldest peer-reviewed journal in the U.S. Over the years, the journal's content has focused on topics such as scientific discoveries, innovation, and it's current focus on the fields of engineering and applied mathematics.
Physics Resources
HyperPhysics is a comprehensive overview of concepts in physics. Its spider-web structure makes navigation easy to use. The sidebar on the website also provides links to concept maps.
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a not-for-profit membership corporation that was chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare.
In its more than 100 years of service to science and humanity, the APS has established itself as the major membership organization for physicists in the US and a significant force in physics internationally. More than 41,000 scientists belong to the non-profit scientific and educational Society.
Use this link to follow developments in all areas of physics through recent articles in Physical Review Letters. The articles are explained in a style that undergraduate physics majors will find easy to read.
Use this link to learn about research journals from the APS, said to publish the largest number of (pages of) physics articles in the world. It has scores of links leading you to various areas interesting to you.
"The world's most comprehensive index to online physics resources!" It is a swift way to access European advances in physics, for example.
The Smithsonian NASM site highlights new findings in astronomy. There are online exhibits to visit, overviews of the museum's collections, an archive of research in astronomy, and many other pages of interest.
This site offers thoughtful answers to questions about physics. A very valuable resource for students in all grades, for college students and professors.
PhysicsCentral is "... designed to bring the importance and excitement of physics to everyone." This site includes basic physics, essays, press releases, questions answered, and links to many sites.
This link takes you to The Franklin Institute's page on the science behind Benjamin Franklin's famous Lightening Rod in relation to electrostatic.
The CCTV Camera World website posted an interesting article on the possibilities surveillance cameras provide when surveying the sky. Not only do they address their findings, but address possible skepticism and FAQ's.
Our very own McKee Library has created a collection of Dr. Ray Hefferlin's papers and journals for people.
Data Science Resources
The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration
Financial Aid for Physics and Engineering
In this guide, you’ll find a list of current STEM scholarships and other resources to help make the cost of college more affordable.
In this guide, find dozens of engineering scholarship options, tips for crafting a standout scholarship application, alternative ways to pay for college, and additional funding resources for a debt-free engineering degree.