16th Annual McKee Southern 6 Trail Race
Come join us for the 16th annual McKee Southern 6 Trail Race presented by Southern's
Outdoor Adventure Program! Everyone and anyone is invited to run in the six kilometer
trail race and compete for cash prizes. The event will take place on the campus' White
Oak Mountain trails in Collegedale, Tennessee.
We have cash prizes!
Over $900 will be distributed amongst the 1st-3rd overall male and female finishers,
the 1st-3rd overall masters male and female finishers, and the 1st male and female
SAU student finishers. We are also introducing a bounty for the male and female course
records! See bounty details below.
Event Details
Online registration is capped at 175 runners and ends at midnight on February 14th.
If you miss the online registration, we will register 75 more participants during
packet pickup on the day of the race.
Registration (including taxes and processing fees) is $40. SAU students and youth
under 18 get to race for 66% off!
When: February 16, 2025. Race start is 1:00 pm. Packet pickup is 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Where: Hickman Science Center, 4843 Colcord Drive, Collegedale, TN, 37363
The Course
The 6K course is ~3.6 miles with ~440 feet of vertical gain, mostly on rolling, hard-packed mountain bike trails. After a steep climb in the first mile, the last 2.5 miles are a rolling descent to the finish. Whether you are a beginner trail runner or love crushing a short, fast trail course, this race is for you.
Our Cause
Proceeds from your registration fee will go to support Southern's Adventure Program Affinity Fund. This fund is used to bring disadvantaged, inner-city children from Hamilton County schools to the ropes course on campus and our other outdoor programs. With your help, we can raise money to show hundreds of young students the magic of the woods for the first time.
Course Record Bounties
In 2024, we established male and female course record bounties at $100 each. The bounties will be paid out when the corresponding course record is broken. If a bounty is not claimed, it will be banked for the next year, meaning, if a $100 bounty is not claimed, it will grow to $200 for the next race, and so on. The current men's course record is 22:04 by Christian Thompson in 2023 ($200 bounty), and the current women's course record is 26:14 by Taryn Garlington in 2024 ($100 bounty).