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Looking for a Job?
If you are searching for a new employment opportunity, please see our Job Opportunity section or browse our classifieds below.

If you have any questions regarding employment, please be sure to contact our department by emailing us at nursing@southern.edu or by calling 423.236.2940 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. on Fridays.

A guide to Nursing Interview Questions and more.


Interested in being a clinical instructor? 
If you have an interest in nursing education and helping to shape the next generation of nurses, consider applying to be a SON clinical instructor! Contact Scott Vandivier at sdvandivier@southern.edu.

Iris Wellness Group is looking for a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to diagnose and treat health conditions, as well as promote good health practices. As an advanced practice registered nurse, you'll be the go-to person for ensuring the best patient care possible. The job description of a psychiatric nurse practitioner includes conducting physical examinations, interpreting lab tests and overseeing patients' health. Must have a background in behavioral healthcare. To apply or for more information, contact Bryce Cranford, MA, Program Manager at bryce@iriswellnessgroup.com
* Proven experience as Nurse Practitioner in a clinic, hospital, ER or other setting.
* Expertise in primary care, acute care and chronic care practices.
* Knowledge of health and patient care regulations.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Strong ethics.
* Team spirit with a positive attitude.
* Patience and cool-headedness.
* Willingness to continue gaining knowledge and clinical experience.
* Valid nurse practitioner license.
* Master's degree; PhD is a plus.