Prospective Students
Get to know SJC
Tour the facilities of the School of Journalism and Communication that are housed on the 1st floor of Brock Hall. In addition to classrooms we have Photo Lab (darkroom), Photo Studio, TV Studio, and Mac Lab.

Check out SJC facilities, meet with professors, and learn what the life is like for the students majoring and minoring with Journalism and Communication.
Welcome to Campus

Join other prospective students and their families in exploring Southern. Tour our beautiful 1300-acre campus, catch a glimpse of campus life, explore your academic interests, and learn about available scholarships. We will cover two nights of lodging and two meals for you and your family.

One size doesn’t fit all, so when it comes to checking out Southern, you have the option to schedule an in-person, Zoom, or a group visit. All are excellent ways to see for yourself if Southern Adventist University is the right place for you.

Can't wait to see our campus? Try our virtual tour. You can visit inside the academic buildings and "walk" around campus and explore at your own pace.

If you're not sure where to start, try the Promenade tour. It's a walkway that connects the academic buildings and residential areas. The SJC is located at the right end of the Promenade, on the 1st floor of Brock Hall.