ASDAH Schedule
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Registration: 12:00-5:00—Collegedale Church Annex Welcome—1:00-1:10
Registration: 12:00-5:00—Collegedale Church South Atrium
Welcome—1:00-1:10—Dr. Ken Shaw, President Southern Adventist University
Session 1: 1:10-2:40—Collegedale Church
19th Century Adventist Theology (Location: “Serve”)
Chair: Brenden Bliss, Hawaii Pacific University
Hiram Edson: the Man and the Myth
Brian Strayer, Emeritus, Andrews University
NO UNION WITH SLAVEHOLDERS”: A Millerite Contribution to the Abolitionist Movement
Kevin Burton, Andrews University
Curating the Past: Libraries, Historians, and the Archive (Location: “Act”)
Chair, Julie-Ann Bocock-Bliss, Hawaii Pacific University
Barbara Stovall, Oakwood University
Katherine Van Arsdale, Andrews University
Stanley Cottrell, Southern Adventist University
Bethany Howard, Southern Adventist University
Break 2:40-3:00 Refreshments—Atrium
Session 2: 3:00—4:30—Collegedale Church South Atrium
Global Adventism (Location: “Serve”)
Chair: John Markovic, Andrews University
Ntonso Notes: A Ghana Historical Spotlight (Valley View University, Retired)
Kofi Owusu-Mensa
In The Fullness of Time: An Analysis of The Growth and Decline of The Adventist Mission in China During The Past 120 Years”
Bruce Lo, University of Wisconsin (Eau Claire)
Exploring our Global Roots with ESDA
Dragoslava Santrac, General Conference, Archives Statistics and Research
Disruptive Theology (Location: “Act”)
Chair: Kevin Burton, Andrews University
Fundamentalists, Presentism, and the Power of Definition
Paul McGraw, Hong Kong
The Adventist Sabbath: A Disruptive Force in the American Context
Edward Allen, Union College
Dinner: 6:00—Presidential Banquet Room
Welcome—Dr. Robert Young, Academic Vice President
Plenary Lecture 7:00: The Southern Scholars Inaugural McArthur Lecture
Eric Anderson, Pacific Union College
Ackerman Auditorium
Friday, April 14, 2023
Registration: 8:00-12:00—Collegedale Church South Atrium
Session 1: 8:30-10:00—Collegedale Church South Atrium
How (Not) to Study Adventist Women (Location: “Serve”)
Chair, Joan Francis, Independent Scholar
The Fifty-two Percent Challenge: Women in Adventist Historiography
Ashlee Chism, General Conference Archives, Statistics and Research
Messy Women and Messy Histories: Epistemic and Ethical Implications of Gatekeeping HerStory"
Lindsay Morton, Pacific Union College
The Challenge of Modernization and Urbanization (Location: “Act”)
Chair: Matthew Lucio, Adventist History Project
Early Adventists and Technological Change”
Willy Logan, Pacific Union College
City Missions and Immigrant Politics: the New York City Mission and Tract Society, 1870-1890,
Mark Joslin, University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
From SBC to SDA and Back Again: The Curious Odyssey of John A. Brunson
Doug Morgan, Independent Scholar
Break 10:00-10:30—refreshments—Atrium
Session 2: 10:30-12:00
Dramatic Incidents in the Life of Early Modern England (Location: “Serve”)
Chair: David Trim, General Conference, Archives, Statistics, and Research
Wicked William Whiston
Gregory Dodds, Walla Walla University
A Philosophy of Suffering: An Analysis of Early Sixteenth Century Protestant Martyrs in John Foxe’s Actes and Monuments
Rachel Clark Byrd, Southern Adventist University
Noli Me Tangere
Heidi Olson Campbell, Baylor University
Methods in Local History (Location: “Act”)
Chair: Sabrina Riley, Independent Scholar
Does Collegedale Exist?
Mills McArthur, Southern Adventist University
Historical Rhymes in West African Oral History
Alexander C. Ugwukah, Babcock University
Recovering the Past at Khirbat al-Balu'a, An Iron Age Moabite City
Monique Roddy, Walla Walla University
Lunch 12:00-1:30—Presidential Banquet Room, Wright Hall
Early Career Scholars lunch discussion at designated table(s) hosted by Mills McArthur
and Michel Sun Lee
Session 3: 1:30-3:00—Collegedale Church
Engaging Students Through Historical Gaming (Location: “Serve”)
Ben Tyner, Michael Weismeyer, Ed Allen, Phillip Warfield, Elizabeth Anderson Bowser
Women’s Work (Location: “Act”)
Chair, Emily McArthur, Southern Adventist University
Loyalty and Protest: Contrasting Examples of Women in a Gendered Wage System
Laura Wibberding, Pacific Union College
Adventist Women Cookie-Makers
Kris Erskine, Athens University
SMI Henry and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Michel Sun Lee, Southern Adventist University
Adventists in World War II (Location: “Grow”)
Chair: Greg Dodds, Walla Walla University
Civilian Public Service and Seventh-day Adventists, 1941-1945.
Sabrina Riley, Independent Scholar
Unlikeliest Heroes: Conscientious Objector Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor
Howard Munson, Pacific Union College
Lived Conflict: Japanese-American Adventists during World War II
Brenden Bliss, Hawaii Pacific University
Break 3:00-3:30—Collegedale Church South Atrium
Session 4: 3:30-5:00—Reacting to the Past “Chicago: 1968”
Dinner 5:30—Presidential Banquet Room
NAD Roundtable Session: New Methods in Teaching, Research, and Publishing
Michael Campbell, North American Division Archives
7:30 Plenary: The Past and Future of Adventist Historiography
Presidential Banquet Room
David Trim (General Conference), Christie Chow (Princeton Theological Seminaries),
Ben Baker, Phillip Warfield (Howard University)
Sabbath, April 15, 2023
9:30—tour at Red Clay State Park with ranger
10:30-12:30 Sabbath School/Church –Amphitheater at Red Clay State Park
Historians, Lament, and Forgiveness
Michel Sun Lee, Seneca Vaught, and Joan Francis
12:30 Sabbath Picnic Lunch
Boxed Lunches Provided by the Academic Administration of SAU
Outings 1:00-4:30
Graysville and Dayton: Adventist and Scopes Trial History
Leaves from Red Clay, led by Michael Campbell
Chickamauga Battlefield and Civil War History
Leaves from Red Clay, led by Michael Weismeyer and local Civil War historian, Ed Lowe
Supper—6pm at Lisa Diller’s house, 2509 Ivy St, Chattanooga
Soup and Salad provided by SAU History and Political Studies Department
Backyard fire plus supper on screened in back porch, so families welcome—plenty of room
Saturday night business meeting—Diller house (those not interested in the business meeting can socialize in back yard during the formal session in Lisa’s living room)