Internships for Credit
When you work in an internship or practicum for credit, you must fulfill the requirements
for the number of hours worked.
Your application will be submitted for approval. Once it is approved, you must receive the required signatures on the application and then turn it in to Professor Nixon. At that point, you will receive permission to enroll in either ENGL-491 or ENGL-492.
Internship Practicum Guidelines and FAQ
English Department Internship/Practicum Application
- Internship: minimum 35 hours/week, 150 hours total, 3 hours credit
- Practicum: maximum 25 hours/week, 1 hour credit for each 50 hours worked
Your application will be submitted for approval. Once it is approved, you must receive the required signatures on the application and then turn it in to Professor Nixon. At that point, you will receive permission to enroll in either ENGL-491 or ENGL-492.
Internship Practicum Guidelines and FAQ
English Department Internship/Practicum Application

Handshake is an online career management system that provides a number of services
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Suggested Hosting Organizations for Internships
Below is a list of internships that may interest English majors and minors.
Where you find a link in a field of your interest, look for similar links online for other internships or job/career opportunities. In addition to providing a useful list of opportunities for both our students and graduating students, we also hope that students will use these links as a way to learn about what kinds of jobs and internships are available to English students.
English Internship Links
Where you find a link in a field of your interest, look for similar links online for other internships or job/career opportunities. In addition to providing a useful list of opportunities for both our students and graduating students, we also hope that students will use these links as a way to learn about what kinds of jobs and internships are available to English students.
English Internship Links
Where you find a link in a field of your interest, look for similar links online for other internships or job/career opportunities.

BlueCross BlueShield of TN
BlueCross BlueShield of TN
Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce
Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce
Chattanooga Bar Association
Chattanooga Bar Association
Council for Drug Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services, Inc.
Council for Drug Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services, Inc.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family
Jesus For Asia
Jesus For Asia
Lake Winnepesaukah
Lake Winnepesaukah
Life Care, Inc.
Life Care, Inc.
Mckee Foods Corporation
Mckee Foods Corporation
Morning Pointe of Chattanooga
Morning Pointe of Chattanooga
Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Company
Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Company
The Samaritan Center
The Samaritan Center
SAU Marketing & University Relations
SAU Marketing & University Relations
Scenic Trend
Scenic Trend
TEACH Services, Inc
TEACH Services, Inc