A few of the jobs chemists have...
- Biotechnologist
- Chemist
- Chemical engineer
- Chemical teacher
- Dentist
- Clinical biochemist
- Forensic scientist
- Health scientist
- Intellectual property lawyer
- Nanotechnologist
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacologist
- Physician
- And many other careers
- Create, or synthesize, new substances
- Analyze substances and create data
- Create models and test the predictive power of theories
- Develop formulations in the lab
- Measure physical properties of substances
- Introduce chemical catalysts for quantitative or qualitative analysis
- Help solve quality issues and troubleshoot manufacturing issues
- Write technical papers or reports
- Develop new products
- Conduct analyses of research projects
- Prepare standards and specifications for processes and products
- Evaluate laboratory safety procedures
- Study the implications of newly discovered chemical properties
- Direct, coordinate, or advise personnel in test procedures
- Agrochemicals
- Metals
- Petrochemicals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Plastics and polymers
- Toiletries and cleaners
- Food Additives