Graduation Requirements
The Christian Service Program requires students to serve in two main categories:
community service and service-learning.
How many hours of Community Service do I need to graduate?
Every student must complete 3 organized and pre-approved community service activities with a minimum of 3 hours each. Transferring sophomores need to complete two activities. Transferring juniors or seniors, and associate graduates need to complete one service activity.
Every student must earn 2 Service-Learning Credits such as those included in (SERV-2) designated courses, short term mission trips or approved student initiated projects (15 hours minimum each). Transferring sophomores need to complete two. Transferring juniors or seniors, and associate graduates need to complete one. Each Service-Learning class and opportunity counts as 1 Service-Learning Credit.
Community Service Event Eligibility
Southern Adventist University encourages and values all types of Christian service.
However, only certain types of service may be counted toward the graduation requirement.
Students may sign up for service events at southern.edu/serve. Students or student organizations desiring a service event not listed should complete
a service event request with a description of the activity and non-profit organization to request approval
before participating in a service project. Once pre-approval has been granted, students
may receive credit for service done with a nonprofit community partner.
Guidelines for an Approved Service Event
- Service benefits a nonprofit organization or its clients
- Service is off campus
- Service is non-compensated (payment, enrichment/class/vespers credit)
- Service is 3-5* hours, not including driving time
- Service is provided to the local community outside of university and traditional Seventh-day Adventist circles. (E.g, church-based service that is outward facing and provides a direct benefit to the community such as health seminars, food for the homeless, and English as a Second Language [ESL] classes
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find SERV-2 course options?
I participated in a community service activity at home / church / other organization. Can those hours count toward the community service graduation requirement?
Where can I sign up for a Community Service activity?
Where can I go to meet with someone about a Student Initiated Service-Learning Project?
What is Southern's definition of "community"?
Southern’s focus for community service is in partnering with nonprofits in the local area within an hour’s drive of campus. Exceptions must be pre-approved by emailing serve@southern.edu
Are there any exceptions to the community service guidelines?
- On campus service exceptions (must be pre-approved)
- Service must be outward facing to the community
- Service must be connected with a nonprofit community partner
- Service must includes some type of meeting with the non-profit served
- e.g. graphic design students provide designs for domestic violence emphasis month, and include a zoom visit with Family Justice Center representative to learn of the organization and the connection between their service and those served
- Church / Traditional University, Seventh-day Adventist Circles Allowed
- Service includes community-focused programming and engagement
- e.g. health seminars, Dinner with the Doctor, ministry to the homeless, ESL (English as a Second Language) classes, SonRise
- Service includes community-focused programming and engagement
- Church / Traditional University, SDA Circles not Allowed
- Church worship service
- e.g. praise team, greeting, teaching Sabbath School, evangelistic series, spiritual seminars/conferences, Pathfinders
- Service to Adventist Societies
- e.g. Hyve Conference, Adventist Historians Conference, etc.
- Church worship service
- Miscellaneous not Allowed
- Disaster response trips (can count for Service-learning)
- Student missions service abroad (can count for service-learning)
- Events primarily for students, employees, or alumni
- e.g. music performances on campus in which community members are invited, and Homecoming events