"R.A.D. is a self defense program that provides a truly holistic approach to self
defense education by supporting the necessity of continuous learning in order to provide
realistic options for each female as they go through life. The program includes educational
components comprised of lecture, discussion, physical resistive strategies. All of
which are facilitated by certified R.A.D. Instructors supported by a network of dedicated
professionals who honor one another’s student through our unique Lifetime Return and
Practice Policy." rad-systems.com
Women's program:The women's RAD program is comprised of easy to learn proven effective physical tactics that may enable you to survive a violent encounter. R.A.D. Systems is NOT a martial arts program. Taught at Southern's Campus Safety department, this dynamic, hands-on program was designed to educate, beginning with awareness, risk reduction, avoidance and overall prevention. Then, basic physical techniques are taught by certified instructors. At the end of the basic program, women are encouraged to use their new techniques in a practical, controlled simulation exercise.
Men's program: Participants will have the opportunity to: raise their awareness of aggressive behavior, recognize how this behavior impacts their lives, learn steps to avoid this type of behavior, consider how they can be part of reducing this type of action and violence, and practice hands-on self-defense skills to resist and escape aggressive behavior directed toward them. This program is designed to empower participants to make safer choices when confronted with unsafe behavior.
Minimum of six participants required to hold class—participants who cannot attend class due to cancellation will automatically be placed on next class interest list.
Location—all R.A.D. classes are held at the Campus Safety offices at 5061 Colcord Drive unless otherwise noted. Check boxes below for dates you’re interested in attending—an email will be sent to you with class information and forms.
Please contact the R.A.D. program coordinators at 423.236.2100 for additional information.DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS
Women's program:The women's RAD program is comprised of easy to learn proven effective physical tactics that may enable you to survive a violent encounter. R.A.D. Systems is NOT a martial arts program. Taught at Southern's Campus Safety department, this dynamic, hands-on program was designed to educate, beginning with awareness, risk reduction, avoidance and overall prevention. Then, basic physical techniques are taught by certified instructors. At the end of the basic program, women are encouraged to use their new techniques in a practical, controlled simulation exercise.
Men's program: Participants will have the opportunity to: raise their awareness of aggressive behavior, recognize how this behavior impacts their lives, learn steps to avoid this type of behavior, consider how they can be part of reducing this type of action and violence, and practice hands-on self-defense skills to resist and escape aggressive behavior directed toward them. This program is designed to empower participants to make safer choices when confronted with unsafe behavior.
To be added to an upcoming class, please fill out the form below: