Southern Hosts Personalized Topping Out for New Ruth McKee School of Business


Ken Shaw, president, and Stephanie Sheehan, dean of the School of Business, sign the beam.
A student signs the beam.
Signatures are shown on the beam along with a permanent marker.

Southern Adventist University staff, alumni, students, and community members participated in a unique twist on a traditional topping-out ceremony on March 5—signing one of the final beams for the new Ruth McKee School of Business building.

“‘Topping Out’ the steel in a building signifies that other construction activities can commence,” explains Marty Hamilton, recently retired senior vice president for Financial Administration. “It’s a big deal in the process that builds excitement for creating a strong presence.”

The ceremony honored the time, money, and prayers that the community and friends of the university have poured into the building project to bring the new academic structure on campus to fruition. Individuals used permanent markers to cover the beam in signatures, each one a proud testament to the impact the building has already had on people both near and far.

“We have reached an important milestone,” notes President Ken Shaw, ’80, EdD, who is also a Southern alum. “I vividly remember the vision shared with me nearly four years ago by School of Business Dean Stephanie Sheehan and Trustee Franklin Farrow. That vision resonated with me then, and it is truly gratifying to witness the progress we are making today.”

The following day, the beam was placed via crane on the building and now sits prominently at the top of the structure on the southeast side, clearly visible due to its white coating but also completely covered with names written in black, gold, and silver. The estimated date for the building’s completion is June 2026.

The School of Business is the second largest academic department at Southern with 465 students currently enrolled. The new building will increase space from the current 9,000 square feet to approximately 53,000, providing much-needed room for students to learn. With state-of-the-art facilities—including a business innovation center, entrepreneurship room, finance lab, and auditorium—students will gain access to a learning environment focused on excellence.

Southern’s $24 million School of Business Leadership and Innovation Campaign will support the new building and program endowment. For additional details and to watch continued construction progress, visit

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