Business Students Benefit from Alumni Mentors
Students in Southern’s School of Business can gain valuable career insights by working
one-on-one with alumni mentors. Started as a partnership between the academic department
and the Alumni Association, the goal of the program is to connect current students
with alumni who have experience in their field of interest.
“Mentorship can help students develop their career path, build a professional network, improve important life skills, and encourage their spiritual growth,” said Moses Maier, a 2017 finance management alum who was involved in establishing the program in 2020.
Both students and alumni participants have expressed appreciation for the program.
“My mentor challenged my thoughts about a career, and I always left our meetings feeling encouraged and validated to move forward in a way that is outside of the box,” said Alyson Zapara, senior business administration major. “He provided excellent ideas to help me with personal projects and professional struggles, and I greatly appreciated his time and assistance.”
“I’ve enjoyed meeting with my mentee, Andrew, and it has been a blessing to be able to share some experiences I’ve had and to hear about his ideas and goals for the future,” said Collin Petty, a 2011 and 2014 business management alum who has served as a mentor. “It gives me great hope to know that God continues to utilize the people of my alma mater to prepare the next generation for the joy of service.”