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Social Media Policy & Description

Social media is used to increase patrons’ awareness of McKee Library and its resources, and to share, listen, and engage with the university community. The library also strives to facilitate learning and support instruction through social media.

Content & Quality

Social media content posted on McKee Library’s accounts must be relevant to the library’s mission and objectives. The library maintains a high-quality standard in posts, including providing accurate information and proper grammar. The use of offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate content, including but not limited to hate speech, harassment, or personal attacks, is not permitted.

Social Media Platforms

McKee Library currently participates in the following platforms:

Functions & Examples

McKee Library utilizes social media for the following functions:

  • Communicating announcements about the library
  • Sharing our mission and philosophy with our online community
  • Proving helpful information and instruction
  • Pointing to relevant resources in a wide array of subjects
  • Connecting with and receiving feedback from patrons
  • Promoting our resources and events
  • Collaborating with students, faculty, and staff

Examples of materials posted may include, but are not limited to:

  • Photographs and videos
  • Quotes or other writings
  • Links to Internet resources
  • Posts about library events and promotions
  • Research and writing tips and strategies
  • Posts about campus or local events
  • Activities to promote student engagement
Copyright & Intellectual Property
Social media posts will respect copyright and intellectual property rights. Proper attributions for content not created by the library will be provided.
Respect & Civility
The library will be respectful and considerate when engaging with others on social media—positive or negative comments will be handled professionally.

Student workers must refrain from sharing library-related information on personal social media accounts to maintain confidentiality and uphold professional standards. 
Privacy & Confidentiality
The library protects the privacy and confidentiality of library users. We will not share personal or sensitive information about library patrons or staff via social media. Furthermore, we follow all relevant laws and regulations regarding protecting privacy and data security.
Monitoring & Response
The librarians regularly monitor the library’s social media accounts for comments, messages, and mentions.  A library representative will respond to inquiries, comments, and messages promptly and courteously. When necessary, the library team will escalate issues to the library director.
Login credentials for official library social media accounts are kept secure and confidential.

More Information

For more info about McKee Library's use of social media, please contact Jessica Spears.