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Copyright and Fair Use

Copyright and Fair Use

McKee Library is committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of creators and complying with copyright laws and regulations.  This Copyright Policy outlines the library’s guidelines and procedures for the use and dissemination of copyrighted materials in accordance with applicable copyright laws, including the United States Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.), the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act.

Copyright Compliance
  • McKee Library adheres to copyright laws and regulations when acquiring, using, and disseminating copyrighted materials.
  • When appropriate, librarians can guide and support students, faculty, and staff regarding copyright compliance. However, librarians do not give legal advice.
  • McKee Library respects and enforces copyright licenses and agreements, including digital rights management (DRM) restrictions.
Licensing and Permissions
  • McKee Library seeks appropriate licenses and permissions for using copyrighted materials when required.
  • McKee Library may enter into licensing agreements for electronic resources and databases to ensure compliance with copyright and licensing terms.
Institutional Repository

McKee Library manages Knowledge Exchange, McKee Library’s institutional repository, which preserves and provides access to scholarly and academic works created by members of the institution. The library complies with copyright laws and licensing agreements when managing and providing access to these materials.

  • Scholarly submissions must comply with U.S. copyright law and, if applicable, the original publisher’s policies.
  • Authors must seek permission from their original publisher prior to submitting an article to Knowledge Exchange. Permissions for many publishers can be found at Sherpa Services.
Fair Use

McKee Library acknowledges the doctrine of fair use under copyright law.  Fair use allows for the limited, unlicensed use of copyright-protected materials for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a complex and context-dependent doctrine. Therefore, the four following factors are considered in fair use analysis:

  • Purpose and character of use, including whether the use is for commercial or nonprofit educational purposes
  • Purpose and nature of the copyrighted work
  • Amount of the work used in relationship to the work as a whole
  • Effect of the use on the potential market for the work or value of the work

More Information

Please email Deyse Bravo for more information or questions.