Virtual Reality Headsets
McKee Library has two virtual reality (VR) headsets available to check out for one
week. These headsets are equipped with multiple games, including Beat Saber, YouTube
VR, and Mission: ISS, allowing for an immersive virtual reality experience.
By checking out the headset, the user agrees to abide by the lending policies and agrees to the lending agreement details, as stated below.
By checking out the headset, the user agrees to abide by the lending policies and agrees to the lending agreement details, as stated below.
Lending Policies
- Valid Southern Adventist University ID card is required.
- No Community Guest Lending or Usage is allowed at this time.
- VR headset and controllers can be checked out for one week.
- The VR headset must be checked out and returned to the Circulation Desk.
- Do not touch or clean the lenses.
- The SAU computer usage policy must be followed at all times while using the VR headset.
- The VR headset must only be used for lawful and educational purposes.
- No obscene or inappropriate usage is allowed.
- Usage of the VR headset is subject to availability.
- McKee Library reserves the right to revoke usage of the VR headset.
Lending Agreement Details
- The lending guest is responsible for any damages to the VR headset, controllers, battery, charger, and case.
- If the VR headset and equipment are lost or stolen while checked out to a guest, the guest is responsible for the total cost of replacement for the VR headset and equipment.
- The lending guest is responsible for his/her own health and safety while using the VR headset.
- McKee Library is not responsible for any damages to the lending guest, other individuals, the VR headset, or other items while a guest is lending and/or using the VR headset and/or controllers.
- Lending guests must agree to follow the lending policies while using the VR headset and controllers.
Safety Guidelines
- Stay within the space boundaries displayed on the VR headset.
- Be aware of any obstructing cords.
- Be aware of and move any obstacles such as chairs, tables, books, etc.
- Ensure optional controllers are securely attached at all times during usage.
- Consult a doctor if any pre-existing health conditions exist that may affect usage of a VR headset.
- Note the possibility of vertigo, nausea, disorientation, flashing lights, etc.
- Take breaks every half hour.
- Cease usage if eye strain or any other discomfort is experienced.
- Be aware that VR headset usage may affect the functionality of some electronic medical devices.
- Be respectful of users and watchers. No horseplay allowed.
Please contact Leeah Christ with any questions.