Faculty and Staff
Library Faculty and Staff
Deyse Bravo-Rivera, MLS
Deyse Bravo-Rivera is McKee Library's director. Please contact regarding library management,
archives and special collections, and Center for the Study of 19th Century America.
Location: McKee Library Office 124
Phone: 423.236.2789
Email: dbravo@southern.edu
Leeah Christ, AS
Leeah Christ is McKee Library's circulation manager. Contact her regarding checking out and renewing of library materials, course reserves, student employement, and for general building questions.
Location: Circulation Desk
Phone: 423.236.2010
Email: christl@southern.edu
Genevieve Cottrell, M. INF., DLITT ET PHIL
Geneveieve Cottrell works part-time as McKee Library's cataloger. Contact her regarding book ordering and catalog questions.
Location: Technical Services
Phone: 423.236.2795
Email: gcottrell@southern.edu
Stan Cottrell II, MA, MLS
Stan Cottrell serves as McKee Library's technical services librarian. Contact him regarding cataloging, book ordering, and media.
Location: Technical Services
Phone: 423.236.2798
Email: scottrell@southern.edu
Sonja Fordham, MA, PHD
Writing Center Director, Tutoring Center Director
Sonja Fordham serves as the director of the Writing Center and the Tutoring Center, located on the third floor of McKee Library. Contact regarding the Writing Center, Tutoring Center, workshops, and APA/MLA/Chicago style.
Location: McKee Library Office 3322 A
Phone: 423.236.2384
Email: sfordham@southern.edu
Bethany Howard, MSIS
Bethany Howard serves as McKee Library's public services librarian. Contact her regarding instruction, Campus Research Day, art in the library, research coaching, PowerNotes, and reference.
Location: McKee Library Office 111
Phone: 423.236.2791
Email: bfhoward@southern.edu
Donald Martin, MSLS
Donald Martin serves as McKee Library's digital resources librarian. Contact him regarding library databases, interlibrary loan, reference, Grammarly, and research coaching.
Location: McKee Library Office 106
Phone: 423.236.2013
Email: dvmartin@southern.edu
Shelly Merryman, MSW
Tutoring Center Office Manager, 3/4 time
Shelly Merryman service as the office manager of the Tutoring Center, located on the
third floor of McKee Library. Contact her regarding the Tutoring Center and student
worker employment.
Location: McKee Library Office 3315
Email: spencermerryman@southern.edu
Phone: 423.236.2508
Mica Myers, MSIS (expected completion 2025)
Periodicals and Reference Librarian
Mica Myers serves serves as McKee Library's periodicals and reference librarian. Contact her regarding periodicals, research coaching, and Alma.
Location: McKee Library Office 149
Phone: 423.236.2792
Email: mmyers@southern.edu
Jessica Spears, MED
Jessica Spears serves as McKee Library's research services librarian. Contact her regarding the embedded librarian service, reference, library website, research coaching, and Knowledge Exchange.
Location: McKee Library Office 105
Phone: 423.236.2009
Email: jspears@southern.edu