Instruction Team
Instruction Team
McKee Library's instruction team and research coaches are available to conduct instruction sessions and workshops throughout the semester.

Bethany Howard
Bethany Howard, public services librarian, leads the library's information literacy
instruction services and is a member of the research coaching team. In addition, she
is Campus Research Day chair and coordinator of Art in the Library.
- Email: bfhoward@southern.edu
- Phone: 423.236.2791

Donald Martin
Donald Martin, digital resources librarian, is the information literacy instructor
and embedded librarian for nursing and allied health. Additionally, Donald is a member
of the research coaching team and manages interlibrary loan.
- Email: dvmartin@southern.edu
- Phone: 423.236.2013

Jessica Spears
Jessica Spears, research services librarian, leads McKee Library's embedded librarian
service and is a member of the research coaching team. Additionally, she manages the
library's website, marketing, and institutional repository (Knowledge Exchange).
- Email: jspears@southern.edu
- Phone: 423.236.2009

Mica Myers
Mica Myers, periodicals and reference librarian, is part of the library's research
coaching team.
- Email: mmyers@southern.edu
- Phone: 423.236.2792
Information Literacy Request
We are happy to provide information literacy or embedded librarian services for your courses. Please use these links to request more information.