Media for Classroom Viewing
McKee Library maintains a collection of physical and streaming media to support class instruction. Please search the library's catalog and our streaming databases for available films prior to making your request. If the library does not own a title you need for your class, please complete the media request form or email Stan Cottrell. If you need assistance embedding a streaming title in eClass, please contact Online Campus.
To schedule the screening of a film that is not included in a streaming database, please email Stan Cottrell the following information:
- Film Title
- Range of dates for streaming availability
Please note the following:
- Please allow 48 hours for processing of physical media that is owned by the library.
- Please allow at least 2 weeks for processing of titles not owned by the library.
- If using a DVD, it must be picked up from and returned to McKee Library. We do not offer delivery.
More Information
Please contact Leeah Christ for urgent requests or Online Campus for eClass assistance.