Akebono Yoshino Cherry

Added Dec 01, 2022

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 'Akebono' is a stunning flowering Japanese cherry tree cultivar that has soft pink flowers that fade to white when they fully open. Their leaves are glossy, dark green, and the margins are doubly serrate to serrate. Fall foliage appears in warm shades of yellow and orange. This small deciduous tree is upright with a rounded crown when young. As the tree ages, the habit appears more spreading and horizontal. The tree measures 25 to 35 feet tall and 25 to 40 feet wide. It is a member of the Rosaceae or rose family.

This cultivar was introduced in 1925 by W.B. Clarke Nursery in San Jose, California. In the 1930s, seedlings of this cultivar were donated and planted around the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. 

The genus name, Prunus, is Latin and means "plum tree." The cultivar's name, 'Akebono,' is Japanese and means "daybreak." In Japan, this cultivar is called 'Amerika.' 

'Akebono' performs best in full sun, moist, and well-drained soils. It is more drought-tolerant once it is established. It prefers acidic soils and does well in clay, sand, and loam. 

This tree has attractive light to dark gray bark with prominent lenticels that adds winter interest to the garden. The spring flowers emerge before the leaves and maybe single, double, or semi-double. The leaves appear narrower and shorter than another cultivar known as 'Mount Fuji.' 'Akebono' has small black drupes that are attractive to birds during the winter months.

Mildly fragrant, delicate, showy flowers and a canopy of blossoms will add interest to a lawn, patio, or walkway in the spring. The dark green foliage of summer and the golden yellow leaves of fall will additional beauty to the landscape.



# Height Width Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Measured On Created By Actions
1 3.7 cm | 1.5 in 2022-01-28 Dana Mcgrew


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