Gold Threadleaf Falsecypress

Added Dec 01, 2022

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Golden thread-leaf Sawara false-cypress is a semi-dwarf, evergreen shrub in the cypress family (Cupressaceae) that is broadly cone shaped and slow growing. It often grows to only 6 to 7 feet tall and 3 feet wide after 20 years but, under ideal conditions, can eventually reach 20 feet in height and 7 feet in width. The species is native to Japan, and this cultivar originated as a sport with golden needles found on C. pisifera 'Filifera,' a cultivar with thread-like, drooping shoots. The genus name derives from the Greek words chamai, for dwarf or low to the ground, and kyparissos, for "cypress." The species epithet, pisifera, is Latin meaning “pea-bearing” and refers to the small rounded cones borne by this plant.

The foliage is thread-like and golden yellow on weeping branches. Plant the golden thread-leaf Sawara false-cypress in any moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Full sun gives the best color, but the plant can experience sun-scald. 

Use the plant as a specimen or accent tree in the lawn or for color contrast in the landscape. It is also excellent as a hedge or border or for privacy screening. It holds its color well through winter, and the peeling bark adds additional interest in a winter garden. Its small stature also works well in small spaces and rock gardens.

Quick ID Hints:

  • Cone-like growth habit

  • Branches are elongate, thread-like, yellowish

  • Leaves are appressed scales, white glaucous below with age

Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems:  No significant problems. 



# Height Width Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Measured On Created By Actions
1 13.2 cm | 5.2 in 2018-02-15 Dana Mcgrew


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