Waxleaf Privet

Added Dec 01, 2022

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ligustrum japonicum, known as wax-leaf privet[1] or Japanese privet (Japaneseネズミモチ) is a species of Ligustrum (privet) native to central and southern Japan (HonshūShikokuKyūshūOkinawa) and Korea.[2] It is widely cultivated in other regions, and is naturalized in California and in the southeastern United States from Texas to Virginia.[3]


L. japonicum is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing to 2–5 meters (6 ft 7 in – 16 ft 5 in)—rarely 6 meters (20 ft)—tall, with smooth, pale grey-brown bark on the stems. The leaves are opposite, 5–10 cm long and 2–5 cm broad, glossy dark green above, paler glaucous to yellowish green below, thick and leathery textured, and with an entire margin. The flowers are white, with a four-lobed corolla 5–6 mm long; they are borne in clusters 7–15 cm long in early summer. The fruit is an oval drupe, 10 mm long, ripening purple-black with a glaucous waxy bloom in early winter; in Japan they are popularly likened to mouse or rat droppings. The species is closely related to the Chinese Ligustrum lucidum, differing in its smaller size (L. lucidum making a tree to over 10 m tall), and elongated oval (not subglobose) fruit. Flowering occurs from July to October and fruiting occurs in autumn while reproducing asexually. The plant grows in sun or shade, damp, disturbed, or undisturbed areas, commonly found in floodplain forests, wetlands, and pine flatwoods. Exotic plant invasion is considered one of the main causes of the degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity globally.[4] Japanese Privet is native to Japan and Eastern Asia and was introduced to the United States from Japan and Korea in 1845. Ligustrum japonicum is commonly used as ornamental in many parts of the world. They are valued by their evergreen leaves, white flowers, adaptability to different ranges of landscape conditions, pruning, resistance to diseases, and wide availability. Some Ligustrum species have escaped cultivation and become naturalized in natural areas.[4] For example, sixteen countries report the naturalization of Chinese privet. In the United States, Chinese privet has been established in 20 states and it's considered invasive.



# Height Width Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Measured On Created By Actions
1 8.9 cm | 3.5 in 2017-02-10 Dana Mcgrew


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