Yap, Federated States of Micronesia - Yap SDA School
To educate students for Christ and service to all humankind.
Yap SDA is a self-supporting mission school accommodating students K-12. It utilizes about 10-12 Student Missionaries yearly as teachers. It also uses long-term teachers..
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To educate students for Christ and service to all humankind.
Yap SDA is a self-supporting mission school accommodating students K-12. It utilizes about 10-12 Student Missionaries yearly as teachers. It also uses long-term teachers..
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- Average Fundraising Goal: Prices may vary. ~$3,300. See Student Missions Office.
- Timeline: 10 months—complete school year (possibly flexible).
- Location: Colonia, Yap, FSM. Check out the location on Google Maps!
- Living Accommodations: May share apartment (furnished, appliances, and dishes) with other volunteers. Basic housekeeping supplies provided. Volunteer supplies their own linens/bedding. 110V electricity with American plugs. Internet is available.
- Language: English
- Food: Volunteer-responsible – food costs will be covered by stipend—reflected in fundraising total. Grocery stores are in the town. Local bananas, coconuts, soursop, limes, breadfruit, etc. is available year-round.
- Requirements: College aged or older. Visa is needed, and usual immunizations.
- Teacher – (1st – 8th grade and high school positions needed) Will be involved in all aspects of teaching this class. Includes lesson planning, grading, classroom management, counseling, instruction, supervision and extra-curricular activities. Seek to uphold Christ as Friend and Lord and endeavor to lead students to a similar understanding. Maintain careful records of attendance and scholastic performance in the register and grade book, make course outlines and lesson plans as prescribed by the administration. Maintain proper control of the students’ behavior in the classroom, school grounds and premises in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated in the handbook. Maintain neatness and cleanliness in the classroom and school grounds; create visual aids, posters and displays in bulletin boards, thus supporting a positive learning environment; be responsible for janitorial work in and around classroom and undertake supervisory duties at lunch hour, and at other times in rotation with other teachers. Attend regular staff meetings as scheduled and other required meetings and events even after school; join in‐service sessions and workshops in order to maintain or increase level of teaching skills. Undertake any other duties and responsibilities considered as part of normal load; work in harmony with school programs and activities outlined in the staff handbook and other directives set forth by the board and administration. Regularly attend weekend services and assist in church programs according to talents and abilities. (Sabbath School classes for all ages that need leaders and assistants, Pathfinder club, youth meetings during the week, door-to-door and prison ministries.) The ministries that can be joined in are extensive and many more could be led by you!
- Maintenance Worker

Interested in Yap?
Apply for your preferred position at least four months before you plan to serve, though spots may be available up until a month before departure.