Denmark - Vejlefjordskolen Boarding School
Provide a full education (spiritual, mental, physical, emotional) for students.
Vejlefjordskolen (Danish Junior College) has approx. 120 students in the dormitories. Boys and girls live in separate buildings. They are allowed to visit one another within certain hours. Volunteers help to make sure that these limits are kept. More than half of the students come from a non-Adventist background and most from a non-Christian background. This makes it a challenge to make the life on campus understandable to new students. Several of the students have had difficulties before coming to us. This can be parents’ divorce, other family problems, or personal problems. Having both native Adventist students and non-Christian students is a huge challenge when we have devotionals and also in the normal school life. We want to see our students grow, spiritually as well as educationally. We have a health profile, which makes us challenge our students to take care of themselves. This means varied vegetarian food, regular sleep, a lot of exercise. The students are expected to do 5 hours of labor, such as cleaning classrooms, per week.
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Provide a full education (spiritual, mental, physical, emotional) for students.
Vejlefjordskolen (Danish Junior College) has approx. 120 students in the dormitories. Boys and girls live in separate buildings. They are allowed to visit one another within certain hours. Volunteers help to make sure that these limits are kept. More than half of the students come from a non-Adventist background and most from a non-Christian background. This makes it a challenge to make the life on campus understandable to new students. Several of the students have had difficulties before coming to us. This can be parents’ divorce, other family problems, or personal problems. Having both native Adventist students and non-Christian students is a huge challenge when we have devotionals and also in the normal school life. We want to see our students grow, spiritually as well as educationally. We have a health profile, which makes us challenge our students to take care of themselves. This means varied vegetarian food, regular sleep, a lot of exercise. The students are expected to do 5 hours of labor, such as cleaning classrooms, per week.
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- Average Fundraising Goal: May vary. ~$3,600. See student missions office
- Timeline: 11 months, school year runs August to June.
- Location: Vejle, Denmark Check out the location on Google Maps!
- Living Accommodations: A room with table, bed, chair, cupboard and a chest of drawers. Power supply is 220 V with European plugs. You are responsible for cleaning your own room. 1 set of sports clothing included.
- Language: Must be fluent in English, Danish is helpful
- Food: Vegetarian meals provided by the college.
- Requirements: Volunteer visa, driver’s license
- Assistant Dean - As a volunteer you will be expected to be 20+ years of age, be a baptized member of the Seventh day Adventist Church, and be willing to serve and excited about working with youth. You will be working in shifts on average 42.5 hours per week with other volunteers, being assistant deans in our dormitories. The work as assistant dean consists of: waking up the junior students, helping students during the day, looking after the sick, enforcing school standards, leading out in devotionals, leading out in sports, being the leader of a group of students in their cleaning jobs, being a role model in faith and living, and being available as a friend and guide for the students. You will be sleeping in one of our dormitory buildings and function as a fireguard at nighttime, which of course requires that you are in the building between 12 midnight and 6 am. We want our volunteers to take initiatives such as, making fun and social activities with the students, playing sports with the students, taking initiative to sing groups/prayer groups/bible study group or other spiritual activities. You will get: The option of using a car for local trips. You will also get a lot of experience as leader and great opportunities for witnessing. A year of challenges that will develop your skills in music, witnessing, leadership, friendship, sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, water skiing, running, swimming, table tennis, fitness etc.).

See the campus
Interested in Denmark?
Apply for your preferred position at least four months before you plan to serve, though spots may be available up until a month before departure.